Have you been 'walked in on' before?
Ughhhh...I guess this unfortunate incident is bound to happen in some families-but so far I've never had it happen-until this wknd. And it was HIS D-not my kids (they were with their dad). Luckily we were pretty covered up but I'm sure it was obvious.
First of all she was not in the house-she was outside playing w/one of the neighbors-we decided to have an afternoon romp..second the door was closed-but the lock was apparently only halfway locked and had not fully clicked- (after we finally invested in getting our door lock fixed).
THAT SAID-WHY ON EARTH would she just barge into my room like this??? SHe KNOWS to knock...I'm thinking there must have been some commotion she heard when she came into the house ...why not knock and call out for us? I guess both of us played it off. Later on I said, hey sorry you had to see that, but you do need to knock next time. She said, yeah sorry I should have, but don't worry about it, it's ok, i'm not upset.
UGHH...BF talked w/her too but we tried to not make a huge deal of it-also figured she won't ever NOT knock again but still. It was mortifying!! So anyone here fess up to this happening to them w/skids or your own bios??? How did you react?
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After I had DD and was
After I had DD and was finally ready to have a romp, DH & I waited until DS was down for the night - Gosh I swear I could hear a mouse walk into my room - DS woke up and came looking for us. We barely had time to cover up and thankfully it was dark. We were in our rooms but I had door open since he tends to wander in usually around 2am and I usually just carry him back to his bed. No worries!
Well...I am pretty sure that
Well...I am pretty sure that my BD20 has heard us, several times but lately have been "paranoid" about SD7. It is hard for me to do anything with DH when she is here.
I was much more " open" in regards to sex with my bio. SD7 has a long way to go. Sadly, not being open to her will only cause a teen pregnancy.
Just let it "blow off." If it is not brought up, no worries.
Oh fabumom, your first story
Oh fabumom, your first story reminds me of my experience, too!! Our master bathroom connects to the bedroom AND to the hallway. We had shut our door all the way but apparently the bathroom door wasn't. It was probably midnight, and SS3 had been in bed for a few hours. Right in the middle of it, DF JERKS up and we both realize that SS3 is standing in the bathroom, staring right at us with wide eyes. We have NO idea how long he was watching...it was one of those moments where you are scared more than anything becuase you don't realize just WHO is standing there, you just know SOMEONE is. He wanted a glass of water.
Atleast he was young enough to hopefully not remember...and we ALWAYS make sure BOTH doors are shut/locked now!
LOL fabu-that's a funny
LOL fabu-that's a funny story! NAH....no slut remarks from me.
You know-she honestly did not look upset-she several times said, don't worry about it, it's ok. Ok-let's give (my dog) a bath now? She also admitted to needing to knock. I must admit she ran out about as quick as she barged in lol.
My boys have walked in before in middle of night but we were asleep. We now make sure to keep the door locked-I guess this time it just didn't click all the way. BUT kids really do need to learn how to knock at their ages.
Happened to us recently with
Happened to us recently with BD4. She tends to wander at night so I didn't WANT to lock our door. But she walked in on us and I got up and put her straight back to bed and told her mommmy and daddy were "playing." She hasn't brought it up, so I'm hopeful she was not too traumatized. Since then, we have locked the door!
We haven't been walked in on
We haven't been walked in on but we've been eavesdropped on by FH oldest son AND he told FH about it! Sick!
Also this past Christmas we were at my FH sisters house for the holiday. Christmas night, SIL and BIL were having drunken sex. I was passed out in the living room and didn't hear a thing. But guess who did!?! FH oldest son!
This kid, actually went searching for the noises! He went to his aunts room and stood outside of their door and listened. NASTY!
Oh and he is 24 years old! Weirdo! And he told the skids what their aunt and uncle were up to. Skids are SD15 and SS13.
I have one but it's not about
I have one but it's not about me and no skids were involved but it's still really, really funny.
My ex boyfriend barged into his parents room one afternoon without knocking at the not so tiny newborn age of 23. Well he walked in and there was his dad wearing ONLY socks and sitting on the bed as his mother was going down on him. :jawdrop: She turned around, yelled at him to leave and said, "What is wrong with you, can't you knock?!" So he turned around and left anad a little while later called his older brother and told him the whole story...misery loves company right?! I think my favorite part and the one I teased him about the most was the fact that his dad was wearing socks pulled up as far as they could go hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
OH MY GOD that story is SO
OH MY GOD that story is SO bad LOL....I mean having sex is bad enough but seeing your mom go down on your dad? And WITH socks? OH DEAR I would have NEVER recovered from that one LOL. Goodness, I don't feel so bad now haha!
My DH tells the most awesome
My DH tells the most awesome story about this. When he was in late junior high/early high school he walked in on his parents having sex on the KITCHEN TABLE. As he tells it, the same one he continued to have to eat at until he left the house. Can you imagine?!
Eeeeew hahahahhahahha! I'm
Eeeeew hahahahhahahha! I'm sorry but some of these stories are HYSTERICAL! Hahaha, I so needed to hear these. I can't imagine I would be laughing though if I ever walked in on my mom and dad...I would have a heart attack and die before I told anyone I think :O . Absolutely scarred for life. I still maintain that the stork brought me...my parents don't do that...it's disgusting to think about!
In the Rags clan this is a
In the Rags clan this is a fairly common occurrence. I walked in on my parents a half dozen or so times when I was a kid and even as a young adult. The last time I was in my late 20's while on a family vacation with mom, dad and my younger brother. We were all in a hotel suite and the bathroom was in M&D's section. I got up in the middle of the night to hit the head and walked in on M&D. As I walked by I said "Hi guys. I have to use the toilet." We all broke in to laughter and I sat down on the foot of their bed until we all stopped laughing.
No big deal.
Growing up my parents never allowed locked doors inside their home and if a door was closed we were supposed to knock before entering. Sometimes I forgot to knock.
Even now mom and dad will occasionally give each other a look and disappear to their room for an hour or so in the middle of the day when the extended clan is at their home for a holiday or visit. The grandkids are told that Deema and Deepa are taking a nap then my wife and I and my brother and my SIL all wink at each other, chuckle and leave mom and dad alone.
Good for them I think. Their passionate and close example of a marriage is what I have strived for in my marriages and what I think everyone should have.
My SS has certainly caught his mom and I a few times over the years. His usual response is to say "OMG! I am going to the kitchen to dig my eyes out with a spoon!"
Then we all chuckle about it and move on.
Kids should know that their parents are passionate, affectionate and have sex. Of course sex should be in private when the kids are in the home but if parents get busted the kids need to understand that what they saw was normal, Okay and important in a loving adult relationship.
Just my thoughts of course.
HAHA...reminds me of the
HAHA...reminds me of the scene from Where the Heart is...the couple that was helping Natalie Portman...didn't they say something to that effect when praying? Sorry lord for fornicating on this very table we are to eat from...was something like that LMAO.
Your poor DH-now THAT has to suck...having that visual ewwww haha!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA! Omg Spunki...I should not be laughing I know...I'm not sure if it's the way you describe it or the actual act itself but that is fricken hysterical. I was caught as a teenager a few times...my mother was WICKED mad at me too, I got a lecture or two...I was almost 18 though what can you do?
Not to me, but at DH and my
Not to me, but at DH and my wedding.......
Well the wedding night. The entire wedding party stayed at the same hotel.
Ss and his cousin barged in on BIL and SIL, doin it doggy style!!
We only heard about it the next morning, from BIL