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Something awful happened to my biokids on bus this am

overit2's picture

Sad On a serious note…the boys went to take the bus this morning as it’s one of their running days, I got a call from the school this morning, the principal, counselor and head of security for schools was there w/the boys.

Apparently the bus had picked up 2 other boys and mine…and was still in our neighborhood when a lady came out running flagging the bus down crying for help. Bus driver let her in and secured the door and called 911. She said to the driver (and the kids heard) that she either had been or someone had tried to rape her and mentioned a gun-the woman was frantic. Of course the kids were terrified. The police questioned them, got the lady, and the bus was on its way w/in 10-15min I believe.

The Sheriff dept is saying it wasn’t a random stranger invasion or anything-it was a domestic issue that obviously escalated but no guns were involved. Not sure exactly what happened because they wouldn’t release too much information-other then the situation was solved, case on its way to being closed and no extra security was needed around neighborhood. Guess I have some work cut out for me in terms of calming the boys down a bit.

I mean I know the drive was in a bad predicament and acted out of instinct to help but his first concern should be the kids well could have been a lunatic or someone chasing the kids are freaked out. I'm just upset about this whole thing-though the school did a good job of comforting them and talkign to them. Don't even know what to do next-but I would hope they train the drives on what to do in these scenarios you know?


skylarksms's picture

Thank God she wasn't a psychotic NCP BM that was making up stories to get on her kid's bus to snatch em up!

I am sad that your boys had to go through such totally random stress in their day today.

anita...sigh's picture

My sister was raped and nearly killed. When she escaped, she went to a nearby school to ask for help and they turned her away because she was hurt (punched, strangled to within an inch of her life, every blood vessel in her eye popped, blood, etc).

Do you think the school was right not helping my sister? Now, ask yourself again about the bus driver's training. I wish he had been around when my sister needed help.

iloveit's picture

Anita...I am very sorry to hear that. That is a terrible experience for any individual and their family to endure. I sincerely hope that justice was served to the monster who almost took your sister's life. Although I know it won't take away what was done to her.

The first thing I thought when I read this post was thank God someone was there in that situation! Human beings will do anything to survive and it sounds like that is exactly what she was trying to do. She was lucky the bus was driving by at that very time. I think the kids, although traumatized would have been in an even worse situation if they drove by and saw a dead body by the side of the road. If nothing else, they will look back one day and think that they would do the same thing. We are all people and I for one have no hesitation in saying that if I saw someone running towards me screaming and crying and they looked to be in a bad place I would rush to help them. It's just my instinct. I would never forgive myself if I ran away only to find out later that this person was killed or died as a result of my ignorance.

anita...sigh's picture

No, this monster was never caught. The police believe he is a serial killer and my sister one of the only to survive.

It was stereotyping at the school. They assumed she was a prostitute who got beat up by a John. Even so, is a prostitue any less worthy of help.

Angel37's picture

I agree with saddens me that in our world, some would have an injured woman turned away rather than helping her in a moment of crisis and trauma.

Why not use this as a teaching moment for the children so they know the importance of helping each other?

overit2's picture

Anita-that is horrific!!! First of all I"m sorry this happened to your sister!!

Honestly-a school building though is different then a school bus IMO. They have other adults there and honestly it's the first thing anyone would think to go and IMO they should have never turned her away. THAT is insane!

A bus IMO is different because it's just one driver, the woman looked distressed but not beaten or bloody-if that were the case I can see him doing anything to help.

BUT this is a crazy world, and it could have been a deranged person wanting to take a bus hostage...we don't know-and it IS sad that we have to think this way. All I'm saying is that if something were to happen-there's ONLY the bus driver as an adult-no safety net (as a school building)..and kids...and though I"m glad the woman is safe now, I can't help but by human nature to worry about the safety (emotional and physical) of my children first.

Now-good does teach them about helping others-and all I can do is thank God that they were safe-had it turned differently I would feel very different of course.

If it were ME driving in my car w/my kids..good question....but I'd probably go w/my gut instinct at the moment...depending on what it yells at me. Either help and get out quick or get on out and call the police immediatley.

There are many cases of "helpless woman" being used to blindside innocent passbyers.

Again-I"m so sorry this happened to your sister-and I hope she is recovering and healing. And I DO think the school should have helped her immediately-they did have the resources.

Asher10's picture

You ALWAYS help someone who is obviously in distress ie:beaten, anita's sister.If the person is bleeding and beaten up it would be heartless to turn them away.if the school could turn anita's sister away they are just subhuman.not worth the oxygen they breathe.
the bus incident i'm not so sure about.i wouldn't be likely to stop unless she was obviously hurt never know what can happen when you try to help others that just seem in trouble without any obvious signs of trouble.