Want to getting even w/the Ex-witch OR grind her gears like she does your??????? (I added to it)
1. Avoid all of her (Ex-Witch) phone calls and treat her like she has the plague. Avoid her at all cost.
Make the hubby take care of all the business between them. He is the one she is after anyways talk to.
2. Only have them (Skids) over when hubby is home. Which who they are there to visit with anyways - DH.
Avoid babysitting for them. Go somewhere that leaves YOU NOT at home to watch them (Skids). It leaves EX-witch no choice but to have them in her care - MAKE the Ex-witch DO HER PART IN RAISING THOSE KIDS. After all they (DH & Ex-Witch) are the Biological parents anyways.
3. Let YOUR household be the one that is sound OR free of choas and drama. Make it look like she (Ex-Witch)is the crazy one.
4. From another blogger Smom - send them home with used/soiled garment instead of CLEAN launder clothing.
5. Open a myspace account and of course advertise - eventually it will make it back to Ex-witch. Make it private of course.
Ex-witch will be dying to know what's on your page or more importantly that there is nothing bad on there about her. You already know Ex-witch is JEALOUS of what you got - stir the pot a little bit.
Put something in the the status bar about her, but don't mention her name and leaving whatever the situation is vague, but enough that it will make it seem like she is the crazy one arguing with DH regarding what you had to say.
6. From another blog Smom - hyper them up with FULL of sugar - Starbacks maybe???? before sending them home for BM to deal with. Make it family time at Starbucks or somewhere that make them too wired for BM to deal with them}:)}:-)
It's so much fun and I enjoy doing it. I feel as though I need to keep doing it!!!
- pafreema's blog
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I do this too
the other change I implemented is that DH no longer scurries over to help BM on her custodial days. BM was a princess who did nothing. Now, she has to deal with her own kids 50% of the time instead of DH running them all over town to doctor appointments, friends, school work, etc.
The skids still call for everything but now he only takes care of things for them on the days when they are here. BM can't even take care of registering them for school. Ex witch (AKA the beast!) has to deal with her own skids now and she is pissed! The best part, the skids are realizing that BM can't handle anything and that DH is not the bad guy or a buffoon to be abused. They are being a lot nicer to him and to me.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
BM was pissed that she.....
BM was pissed that I had stopped being her babysitter for the summer and had to actually get off her duff to get a job to feed all of them....I had to laugh.....
It's partially her fault that they are the way they are. Skids will probably still living with BM at home until her dying day with nothing better to do.
I'd like to add one
I did this last weekend.
4.) If you have skids EOW or EW, DO NOT launder skids clothes, just put them back in the bag dirty, whether stains are gonna set in or not!
*oh, that was nice. My skids are too young very messy boys.
Love this one..
I've been doing this one for the past year...she tried "returning the favor"...but when I didn't respond she started washing and folding everything again...but I didnt! She tried insulting me but (not knowing how to do laundry..blah blah blah) that didn't work so she started telling skids they had to do their laundry but I told them not to worry about it.
Not sure what im going to do now though...Monday at court DH and BM decided to eliminate mid week dinner times (that was when clothes were exchanged) so kids are dropped off at school on Monday's and picked up by other parent...guess I can wash the school uniform they wore over here and send them back in her clothes, they'll still be dirty from the day's wear and I wont lose my clothes....
I like this one! Let me
I like this one!
Let me know if you come up with anymore.
The idea is to make BMS'lives as miserable as possible and have fun doing it.
This reminds me of
the year we had SD's here for the WHOLE SUMMER.
After washing about 4 loads of their laundry (rather than have it scattered all over the basement and laundry room), SD says to me, "Our mom just washes all of our clothes when we get home anyway."
WTF??? You couldn't have told me this BEFORE I did all of your freaking laundry?
I don't do their laundry anymore. And when they're here for a weekend, there's no need for them to use my appliances and water. Let BM take care of it from now on.
I soooo do this!
When I first came in the picture I was washing SD's clothes that she came over in, even though it amounted to one outfit. After our electric sky-rocketed when we moved into our new house (change of electric companies), I stopped. I also stopped due to the fact that the BM has completely acted like a pill for the last five years too.
I now have SD change from all of the clothes from BM's house into clothes from our home. Which let's face it---our clothes for SD are much nicer, fit, have no holes in them and are clean. SD places the clothes from BM's in a plastic grocery bag and leaves them there until about forty minutes before BM is supposed to pick her up. SD wears the same clothes, no matter how dirty, from BM's house to return to BM in.
DH has repeatedly requested from BM at least one change of clean clothes for SD to return to BM in. However BM refuses to do this. So stupid on BM's part.
There have been a few occasions where we do have to send SD in clean panties from our house because the ones she came to our house in had dried feces in them. :barf: BM has been sent a letter about these instances and advised that BM needs to take better care of SD while she is in BM's care. (which you know that just pisses the BM off---LOL)
Take care,
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."
BF likes
to sugar up the skids before he takes em' back to BM to get them all hyper
Ohhh, I like that. . .
How about a trip to Starbucks for venti extra shot Java Chip Fraps. What a treat for the kids!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
That's us!
We never take BMs calls - always voicemail. Our home is so calm and peaceful...and fun. Hers is full of yelling and people and SS8 gets ignored often. He's told DH that he would rather stay w/ us.
I have found....
I have found that this get her gears grinding than anything.}:)}:-) and it;s so fun!
I think it's b/c....
I think it's b/c our (yours and mine)household is calm and stable that Skids are drawn to us.
DH used to listen to BM rant
When we got married, I said "enough!" DH was always jumping around trying to please her. It was sickening. I said you are my husband and we don't take these stupid calls anymore.
Last time she called, she left a message that DH was to come to her house at 6:30pm on a Friday even though she knew we had dinner plans (by asking SD17.) DH didn't call her back (big accomplishment for him.) She called SD17 and said "is he coming?" SD asks DH and he says "No, your Mom is just trying to control me."
That was two months ago and BM has never called again.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
I tried this one....
I tried this one and her papers did not get signed until the next night.
I thought it was funny to mess with her life as much as she does mine.
This doesn't work if you have the kid full-time
It's only the case if you have them EOW - oh what I wouldn't give to just have SS EOW until he's 18.
There are other ways.....
There are other ways to get the gears grinding. Let me get back with after come up with something.....how old is Ss?
My Sson left after he found out how strict our household is managed and how much work it is to live with us.
what is EOW
Every other weekend.
Every other weekend.
I can't wait to try some of
I can't wait to try some of these!!!!!!!!!
One way to mess with BM
DH & I love telling SKs about some little date we're going on after we take them home. BM is constantly accusing DH of caring more about spending time with me than with SKs, so when we drop them off we tell them we're going to do something grown up together. BM hates that we have a good relationship. ~Bookgirl~
Getting BM'S gears grinding for all of those times.....
Yep, I did this past summer. She hated it that she had them for the summer. She was mad that she had to get of her duff to feed them all.
But, you know I had had them for the last 6 summers before this one.
Internet stuff
FYI all that stuff can be traced back to you, just figured I'd tell you.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to be confronted in court with everyone listening.
Oh yeah and you can make up fake myspace accounts anything, but it can all be traced.
I've seen people in court embarassed because everything they typed was traced, and it can be done without your hard drive..I've done it!!!
Reply to Yvonee35 blog reply....
It doesn't matter because where we live is a NO fault state.
My DH would never get custody of Bdaughter because I have some stuff on him that disqualify him of ever getting custody of her.
The BM has put me through hell. I can not take a crap w/o doing stuff to me to keep the fire rolling between her and I.
I deserve some kind entertainment out of this before I finish losing the rest of my mind.
Who are you and what do you do? Why are you here to vent if you stuff can be traced back to you as well????
if you say so
if you say so
Reply to Yvonee35 blog reply....#2
You still did NOT answer my questions!
Why are you here if your stuff can be traced back to you as well? Are you sure are on the Stepparent web-site right for you?
I am here to vent rather than to take it out on a child.
I'm not worried about my
I'm not worried about my stuff being traced back to me.
LOL if you don't like my posts then ignore them sheesh
Reply to Yvonee35 blog reply....#3
I say the same thing - not making sense!
1. Why are you here?
2. What is the point of you being here if you do NOT have a problem relationship with stepchild(ren)?
3. Who are you?
4. What was your point in all of your replies to this particular blog? I know my Constitutional Rights. I surely do not need any advice about what I may be posting! I know very well the damage one to do to themselves on-line.
I have NOT really done anything in regard to past actions discussed in this blog. What ignoring OR avoid the Evil Ex-witch is crime these days?
What about her neglecting parental responsibilities as a CHILD'S MOM? What it's a crime to FORCE her to do what she should be doing - BE A PARENT!!!!!!!!
Nevermind :::::WHOOCH::::: it
it went right over your head. go find someone else to play with.
I think you need to take a
I think you need to take a deep breath, because damn you can't even spell. It must be the flames coming out of your eyes, or maybe you're shaking and can't type.
Anyhow. Good luck to ya LOL
Reply to Yvonee35 blog reply....#4
I and another person just want to know why you are here if you have the ideal relationship with your step-children??????? AT LEAST YOU ACT AS THOUGH YOU DO.
I am saying I don't need any legal advice in regard to HOW EMBARASSED I CAN GET in A COURTROOM OF PEOPLE.
If anyone is the crazy one - IT'S YOU!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS ACTING PSYCHOTIC.
laughing WAY too hard over that comment StepAside
*tears streaming down my face* and I may need oxygen after that...
too funny
~Dignity and Grace. Be that and sneak past the hate...wrinkle free~
A troll is one to call you
A troll is one to call you out gotcha@@
And all I got was this Tee....
I grind her by buying the Skids t-shirts from our trips. One time it was our weekend and we left them at the In-Laws. DH and I went to Vegas. When we took the kids back home they were wearing Vegas T-shirts and she was FURIOUS that we went away and didn't even take the skids! LOL!!!
I also buy SD/9 clothes that she keeps at our house and send her back with the rags that she sends her.
I also send the dirty laundry in her bag. I know it irks the shit out of that bitch.
It's so nice
It's so nice to know that I am NOT the only one that feels that way.