Nice try dh, but you are going to have to try harder than that to outsmart me
(Driving home from work, dh calls) hey hun, can you do me a favor?
Sure, what do you need?
Can you put my black pants in the washer when you get home. I. Red to wear them tomorrow and the cat laid on them so they are covered in cat hair. I'll pit them in the drier when I get home.
Sure no problem.
I get home and put the wet load that was sitting in the washer into an empty basket. I wash his pants with the few things I had to wash of mine and my kids.
(Dh gets home) hey, did you get a chance to wash those pants for me?
Did you move them to the drier?
So you finished up SS's laundry?
No, the load you left in the washer was mildewing and needs tov e rewashed.
So you rewashed that load with my pants?
No, I put it in a basket and washed your pants with the laundry that I had that needed to be washed.
So where is SS's clothes?
Sitting in the laundry room waiting for you to rewash it
He stared at me for about a minute trying to think of a way to spin it to my responsibility to do the laundry and couldn't think of anything that didn't make him look like a total douche. I guess he couldn't think of anything g because the conversation ended there. Pretty hard to make a case for me doing three loads of laundry after working ten hours and a 45 minute commute when SS is too lazy to walk his clothes to the laundry room when I ask and dh is too lazy to even get one load completed in his two days off from work.
Your move dh....
- PeanutandSons's blog
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Hilarious! Well played.
Hilarious! Well played.
WOW!. First off...I really
First off...I really dislike your DH.
Second off...good for you for not falling for his manipulation tactic!!
Do you think he is really that lazy or is he just trying to MAKE you do this for SS?
Both. He feels that SS is my
Both. He feels that SS is my kid too, and I should do for him just like my own. And I do his laundry just like known kids....but I refuse to collect it off his floor for him. I don't do my own kids laundry midweek either. The difference is that my son, who is only 4 by the way, puts his clothes right in the basket in the laundry When he changes. I obviously handle putting g the baby's dirty clothes where they go. So he does we it as a slight to SS that I won't jump up and do his laundry on command since my kids never end up in the situation where their laundry hasn't been done for weeks.
But he is also superbly lazy about helping with household things. So bottomline, he doesn't want to take the effort to do it, or take the effort to get on his kids behind and make sure he's bringing his clothes to the laundry room to be washed. I mean, he had two full days off while I was gone....SS was even with his stepmother one of those days....and he still couldnt make the effort to complete even one load of his kids laundry.
Peanut, you are a prime
Peanut, you are a prime example of why I should have come to this site years ago. I love that you expect others in your house to be responsible for their own laundry. I had no backbone, and did laundry for everyone, including SD21....ugh. Good for you! Love it!
That's the most ridiculous
That's the most ridiculous part.....I DO do all the laundry....I just won't do it during the week. And I won't go picking it up off of the floor for people. I do the laundry that it brought to the laundry room on my days off. If someone is too lazy to bring me their laundry then that's not my problem. If someone is too lazy to bring me their laundry for weeks at a time and runs out of clothes....still not my problem.
It IS ridiculous that we do
It IS ridiculous that we do more than we should for these people, and STILL get no respect. SMH. I just wish I could have learned to say, "Not my problem" a while back.
It's never too late to
It's never too late to acquire the "not my problem" thinking!
that's fantastic, peanut! i
that's fantastic, peanut!
i have gotten accused of being stubborn, and i always say "nope, i'm just incredibly persistent and very very patient."
if your DH does try to spin it on you that your being stubborn about the damn laundry, you can tell him "nope, i know it takes time to learn new habits, so i'm being as patient as possible until you and ss 'get it'".
*evil grin*
i think u're awesome! }:)
I love this line and will
I love this line and will definitely borrow it.
Simply Awesome!
Simply Awesome!
Don't mind doing the laundry,
Don't mind doing the laundry, but why do men/kids toss their dirty clothes, especially gitch, and don't give a crap where it lands..I will not pick up laundry off the floor..make sure it's in the laundry basket provided or do it yourself..mine left his dirty gitch in the bathroom after he showered for 2 days and had the nerve to say to me" my underwear has been on the bathroom floor for 2 days and you never even picked it up" he acually left it there for me to pick up...I lost it, let me tell you !!..who the hell do these peope think they are grrr?? good job Peanut
I have a similar rule in my
I have a similar rule in my house for my SDs. When they are leaving after the weekend, they are responsible for bringing their laundry to the laundry room. If they don't, it doesn't get done. Also, I will not go picking up clothes off their floor, either. After a few weekends of not having clean clothes, they got the idea. I told them that I don't go in their room, and, therefore, I don't know that the hamper is full. Now, sometimes they do forget to bring the hamper out, but they have gotten way better about making sure all dirty clothes are in it. I just have to remind them to bring it to me while doing laundry. SS gets his laundry done more since he shares a room with my DS, but I don't pick up his clothes from the floor, either. Luckily, DH backs me on this, and if it comes down to it, he'll wash their clothes
Good job, Peanut! I bet the look on his face was hilarious.
SD used to leave chewing gum
SD used to leave chewing gum in her pants pockets. That was what stopped my doing her laundry. She spent a lot of time with GooGone cleaning the dryer.
I haven't done skids laundry
I haven't done skids laundry for a year now and I love it! Two weeks ago DH tried to pull me into the drama of laundry and checking their over night bags. I said NO, haven't done it for a year and I'm not doing it now, their bag, their business.
I couldn't believe it flowed out of my mouth so easily. My brain said no but my heart would have jumped right in. I'm so glad my brain kicked ass with my heart }:)
Yes, thank God I was already
Yes, thank God I was already a member of this site when SD15 decided she wanted to move in with us in April. I made it perfectly clear to DH that it was not remotely what I wanted, but if that was what HE wanted, then fine.. BUT I have enough on my plate between BS3, full time job, home business, etc that I would NOT be doing her laundry, cooking for her, carting her ass all over creation etc. I mean she's 15, she can do her own laundry, or DH can do it.
I don't EVER mind doing laundry for DH and BS3, cooking for DH and BS3, mowing the lawn for DH, etc. because I love them and know that they appreciate it. SD? enough said, I will not be her personal maid.
Stay strong Peanut! You're doing great!