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So according to DH's coworker..

PeanutandSons's picture

Sd looks just like me.

He thinks its funny, I am quite frankly horrified. I hope I hid the look on my face well enough tbat he didnt catch my reaction. And its not thag sd is an ugly kid..... But I definitely dont want any association between us. And we look nothing all.

Coworker then went on to say how ss and bs18mo take after dh, and sd and bs4 take after me. So I guess dh didnt correct him on Sd's parentage. I hate that he does that......let people believe that all the kids are mine. And I was a bit insulted that anyone would put my baby and ss in the same category for looks. Bs18mo is an absolute doll, he lights up thd room..... And ss is rough in the looks department.

I know tge coworker didnt really mean anytbingr by his comments, and wzs probablyjust making idle chatter...... But it still bothers me Sad


Willow2010's picture

lol! It is sad huh. SS looks nothing like me, but I have been mistaken for his mom before and it just makes me cringe. I try not to make a big scene about him being DH's kid and not mine, but my first reaction is to say..."oh heck no. NOT MY KID." Even though I don't, I just say..."SS is actually DH's son."

Sunflower1's picture

I don't know, people tell me all the time I take after my dad (stepfather who adopted me). He seems ok with it ( more than ok with it, he gets pretty tickled when it happens) and its turned into a bit of a family joke but I can understand where you're coming from as well. Do you think your DH doesn't want to get into the family dynamics with people he doesn't know well?

HungryEyes's picture

One of SDs does look exactly like my son. But that son looks just like his father lol so none of them really resemble me except my other 2 sons.

Drac0's picture

Oh you are not alone. It amazes me sometimes

"SS looks just like you!" some strangers would say.

Urm....I'm stocky and overweight. I weigh over 220. I have a pointy "European-aristocrat" style nose (which people used to teaze me about when I was a teen). I also have large eyes and dark skin.

SS on the other hand, is so skinny, if he turns sideways he dissappears. His nose is a "pixie" nose. His eyes are small and when he smiles he shows more gum than teeth. He is also VERY pale.

So saying we "look alike" is like saying a beach ball looks like a Q-tip .

ltman's picture

Used to get the ysd looks just like you too. DH has a type he favors. I favored bm enough to shake up her sisters. I have a sgs11 who looks more like me than his mother. He's fair, light eyes, she's brown hair/brown eyes. Weird.