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So glad we're on to a new week (long)

PestyBrattyMama's picture

Last week sucked. DH has his kids week on/week off. Last week was the on week (ended at 5 pm yesterday).

We started kid week with SD13 taking something of DD18's and leaving it in her room. DD18 knows, at this point, if she's missing something and I don't know where it is SD13 likely had something to do with it, which is sad. So she checked SD's room and sure enough - there it was.

I let DH know and he actually acted like he believed it and didn't think DD just misplaced it, it walked away on it's own, or there was some kind of misunderstanding. Up until recently those were the things that came out of DH's mouth when we mentioned that we were fairly certain SD had something to do with it (because there have been so many instances of the same in the past 4 years). SD had a counseling appointment that night so he would bring it up there.

They get home from counseling and he comes to tell me how it went - he, the counselor, and SD have decided that SD should be able to keep her iPhone in her room overnight when she's sleeping to show that DH and I trust her. I about lost it! 1/it's a household rule that the kids don't get to keep their phones in their room overnight and he didn't discuss it with me and 2/I had just, that morning, told him that she's stealing shit from my daughter. Why the Hell are we showing her we trust her. I sure as hell don't!!! He tells me that he and the counselor asked SD about the missing item and she said she didn't take it. I reminded him that it was found in her room and he says "Well, I wasn't here and I didn't see it happen so I don't know what to think about it". So basically, he said if he doesn't see her steal things it hasn't happened. Bravo!!

I had to point out to him that DD and I shouldn't have to live in a home where we feel like we have to hide our stuff. DD shouldn't have to have a lock on her door. All it would take is SD asking and DD would let her use her stuff. Then DH says that he's tired of being the middle man and DD and I should deal with it. That pissed me off even more. I was a little mean and told him that it really seems like he's so afraid of SD not liking him that he's afraid to be a parent to her (she's gotten a charming habit of saying she hates it here and doesn't want to come over anymore when she's not getting her way). It's no where near DD's responsibility to parent or discipline her step-sister. That's ridiculous. And I have never done any of the parenting to his kids. They are his kids, it's his job. He did end up talking with her and taking her phone and privileges away for the remainder of the week. One nice thing - DD works in a makeup store and got SD a sample of the stuff she's been taking from DD in a color more her own Smile Hopefully she'll at least be more receptive to asking DD for the things she wants to use now.

The next day DH tells me he and SS10 are going skiing on Saturday. Like they do every weekend the kids are here during the winter. It's annoying. We don't get any weekend time as a family for at least 3 months straight. After much heated discussion he decided to spend Saturday with all of us. We did a bunch of touristy things and had lunch in a touristy place. It was fun! Well, until SS10 pouted and said "I wanted to go in the ferris wheel" as soon as we got in the car to go home. I asked him if not doing that ruined everything else we had done that day and he agreed it didn't. Thankfully. My biggest problems with taking DH's kids to do fun stuff is that they always find something wrong with what we did somehow, they never act like they are having a good time, and we never hear a thank you! And we've done some really fun stuff with them!!

We were supposed to have a family meeting this weekend and it never happened. I'm so tired of hearing the 13 year old say hurtful and disrepectful things to my husband. I'm tired of worrying about my belongings being left out and becoming victim to sticky fingers. All it would take is for rules to be enforced. I hate to say but everytime I hear my husband blow off something rude SD has said to him I lose a little respect for him.

I am so thankful you all are here. I'm glad I can vent some of this to people who get it instead of saying something and having it blown out of proportion or starting an argument. I hope you all had great weekends or are about to start awesome weeks.


PestyBrattyMama's picture

The counselor is my counselor as well and normally she's on top of it. I suspect both DH and SD down played her issues with being unable to keep her hands off things that aren't hers. He and I hashed it out and he will be taking her phone at night just like he does with his son. He understands why I don't trust her and isn't going to push it anymore. I'm glad to see that others agree I'm not being unreasonable!