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Do you financially care for biokids and stepkids the same?

Pinkleton's picture

DH has two kids that he sees EOWE. I have no bio kids, but we want to have kids in the future. 


DH and I were talking about future things and I brought up about starting a bank account when we have a baby so I can direct deposit a small amount of money every pay to save for our child for something like a car, college, house, etc. it will never be a ton of money.. but I’m determined to save at least some money for my kids so they have some help when they reach young adulthood, just like my parents did for me. 


The conversation wasn’t very serious and was pretty mild. DH never mentioned his kids at all. A little while after the conversation, I was thinking about it and started to worry/wonder if I hurt his feelings. I do not have any intentions of saving money for his children. Neither him nor BM have any kind of savings for the kids— they never really had any savings accounts in their lives. DH literally learned about a savings account when him and I got together. 


Are you saving money for your kids? Is it same or different for bio kids vs step kids?


Doublehelix's picture

No personal experience yet, but seeing as how my SD has a biomom that is alive and well, I don't see why *I* would need to contribute to her daughter's savings.  :\  I'd just be glad your DH isn't making a big deal about it!

Pinkleton's picture

I am very thankful about that!!! I will say, DH does not typically expect me to spend ANY money on his kids. (Obviously I do because I make up for bills when he’s paying for his kids —left pocket, right pocket— but that’s part of marrying someone who has kids). He was hurt once because I didn’t spend any of my “own spending money” on Christmas gifts for them. I understood his hurt.. I just figured they already had so many gifts and it was all from both of us. But I get it that it seemed I never “thought” of them when I was shopping. More the thought than the money in that situation. 

Doublehelix's picture

Did he put your name on his gift to them? That should be one should be EXPECTING gifts...stepkids or not.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I have no kids, but I spent a lot and sacrificed a lot for DH's kids. And if I could go back, I would not have done it.

ndc's picture

It's a moot point for us right now, since DH and I have no bios together yet, nor do we have any extra money to put aside.  When the time comes, though, I would not hesitate to put aside money for my child(ren), and I would not feel it necessary to save for the skids.  If DH wants to put anything aside for the skids, I would expect him to put a comparable amount aside for our children.  DH is not now and has never been a saver and doesn't have a lot of financial sense, so he'll probably do whatever I tell him to.  I don't worry about college for the skids, as they can go for free to any of our state schools through BM.  That won't be the case for any children DH and I have.

advice.only2's picture

Not your problem the two bio parents didn’t save for their children.

i opened savings accounts for both my kids when they were babies.  I finally convinced DH to open an account for Spawn when she was 16.  Thankfully he never got butt hurt our bios had savings and his kid had nothing.

Ngordon's picture

As step parents we are suppose to be stepping up where the biological parents don't. We are suppose to be treating our stepkids like our own therefore also worrying about their financial future. I have this same dilemma when it comes to who my beneficiaries will be if something happens to me. My husband who isn't financially set like I am wants me to put my bio kids and step kids as beneficiaries with the same percentage. How is that even fair to my kids who have been in my life for 18 and 20 years and him and his kids have only been in mine for 3 years. I work my ass off for my bio kids and now to have to share that because him and his kids mom didn't give a sh*t like I do. My bio kids will always be my bio kids and if I get divorced there are no more step kids. I don't think it's selfish at all to only want to ensure my bio kids futures. At the end of the day it's one sided because my husband isn't saving anything for my kids.  So don't feel bad about how you truly's not selfish at all.

Monkeysee's picture

Society tells SP's they're supposed to step up where BP's don't, but we really don't need to do that.  Not to mention there's rarely any kind of reward or thanks for 'stepping up', instead you get told 'you're not the MOM' and you need to back off...

Don't let your DH guilt you into including your skids as beneficiaries.  It's not your fault that neither he or BM have set anything up for their kids.  I wouldn't expect BM to include my child in her will planning, so why would I include my skids in mine?  They'll inherit from their dad, but not from me, unless he passes away first.  I'll ensure they get the appropriate percentage of what's leftover, but not a pence more.

justmakingthebest's picture

Actually court and many bio parents tell us to step off and step out. 

Most women and men on this site aren't here because we have stepped up and are totally supported by the bio parents!

I mean, I am 100% supported by DH- But BM attacks me every chance she gets. The courts will tell a step that you have no rights to those kids. 

For example. Just my kids- if something happens and I die, my kids don't stay in their home and at their school. They don't stay with the family that they know the most. Nope, they go 3,000 miles to live with their dad. Because he is the actual parent. Not my DH, he is stepdad. He doesn't mean anything. (Just to be clear, they should go to their dad, he is their dad- they love him and he loves them. They will be supported and have a great home!)

Although sometimes I am grateful because I am sure that if BM could find a way to use my income in her CS calcs she sure would! 

Harry's picture

If they want to save for there kids education. Thay can do that.  They should do that.  You have NO part in that saving.   Bio kids, you are the BM. And you can save for that kid with out being  guilty 

thinkthrice's picture

and each day a little more will be expected.

you will also receive no thanks nor gratitude.  In fact, in most cases it will cause even more hated toward SM by the BM

"just who does she think SHE is, overstepping HER boundaries?... I'M the MOM!!"

Monkeysee's picture

I'm setting up a savings account for my BK, but I won't be setting one up for my SS's. If DH wants to set them up he's more than welcome to, but it's not my responsibility.

I've told him if he sets them up it should be for a specific purpose though, not just 'free' money to hand over when the kids turn a certain age.  I believe in helping kids if/where possible, but not giving them something for nothing just so they can blow it on pointless crap.

Then again, they're not my kids, so if DH wants to give them free money to blow on pointless crap I suppose that's his prerrogative, I just think it's a waste of money to do so.  Either way OP, your skids aren't your responsibility, so don't feel guilty about not putting money away for them.

shamds's picture

she’d rather go on shopping sprees whilst her kids fend  for themselves. We suspect she has spent close to a million on crap in a decade. 

I intend to save for my bio kids who will be schooling in my country as i am from a western country and their quality and standard of living will be much higher. I don’t have any guilt if skids chuck a hissy fit because of the supposed unfairness 

its not my fault i’m from a more advanced country where people are more financially well off

beebeel's picture

My DH was a teenager when he had his kids, so no. They didn't have the funds to save a penny for the skids. My DS3 has a savings account I started when I was pregnant.  

ESMOD's picture

As long as you and your DH don't have totally blended finances where it would be impossible to determing "his" from "yours", it is totally ok for you to save money for your biological child. 

It is also ok for your husband to save for all of HIS biological children (one of which belongs to you as well). 

Ideally each of you should have your own discretionary income.

Siemprematahari's picture

Are you saving money for your kids? Is it same or different for bio kids vs step kids?

Yes I am saving money for my Bio Kids and never once did it cross my mind to save for my H's kids. They have two parents and whether they decide to save for them or not is not my business or concern. I just know what I'm doing for mine and you should absolutely feel NO guilt for thinking about yours.

STaround's picture

We handle major items seperately, and try to keep spending in check, so not obvious material differences.   The biggest issue is that my DC have greater college savings.  He has ramped us his, so at least his kids can go to local community college.  

I think an ours kid would really complicate things.  There is no way I could accept one of my kids getting more than the others (absent one kid not benefiting for college, etc.), which means if we had seperate finances, I would cut back on other things (which might have to include vacations).  It may that marriage may make a parent focus on things like college, retirement savings, etc.

ITB2012's picture

If we have joint children that would make the road bumpier to determine what is appropriate. 

ITB2012's picture

XH and I have as part of our divorce that we will carry life insurance that goes to DS if we die and that we each save a certain amount toward his college expenses. 

DH and BM have the same but their insurance policies are way higher than ours so if one of them dies the skids get a lot of cash. However, they have a much smaller amount going toward the college funds. 

I feel no obligation to up my insurance to make it even or give the skids money toward college. I would not expect DH to downgrade his insurance to make things even or allocate some to DS. 

agitated's picture

My DH and I do not have any children together. He has a 17 year old girl and I have 14 stb15 year old boys. We share finances (*GASP*), but never argue about money are where it is going. We put $10 per paycheck (we get paid bi-weekly) into a savings account for all the kids. These accounts are also for saving a portion of their christmas and birthday money.

In our lives neither the BM nor BD have any kind of money set aside for the kids. Although BM sees SD, she does nothing to help financially support her. The BD in my case owes me over $20,000 in child support, has been in and out of jail for domestic violence and doesn't talk to or see the boys. This is why we (I) don't have a problem financially helping all the kids.

ETA: My stepfather did this for me until I was 18 and he divorced my mom when I was 12. I stayed in his life and even moved back in with him after I graduated high school (my mom and I did not get along). I lived in the basement and paid rent while going to college. I still call him monthly, send gifts for holidays, and visit when I'm town. He calls me his daughter. I believe this is why I am more open to "helping" my SD than others. Plus, my SD is nothing campared to most on this board. I am lucky in that department.