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It's the naaammmme gaaaaammmme. . .

princessmofo's picture

Anna Anna bo banna banana fanna fo fanna me my mo manna. . . Anna. Let's play the name game. As you all know from previous blogs BM is now engaged. BM and DH have been divorced for well over 4 1/2 years. BM continues to use her married name for all legal purposes except on FB. Where she uses her maiden name. She has used maiden name for over two years now. Suddenly, lo and behold she's back to using dh's last name on her account. Shock, curiousity, and bafflement are a few of the words I can use to describe this upon seeing it. So my mind now wonders what is she playing at? I asked dh if he knew what was up. He said he "had no idea" and it's only "a name". Really, dh? How come it's only a name when she uses it? So the conversation advances and I'm sensing a pattern with dh. He seems to be enjoying the fact that she did this. My theory, he's still got some emotional attachment to this woman. He actually defended her and used the old standard playbook of "she'll always be my son's mother and he has my last name." WTF! As I have stated in the past his family repeatedly talks sh*t on me with his ex. Namely his mother and ex are bffs. So I'm in a lose/lose situation with a man who is a bonafide asshole. Merry effing Christmas to me.


sasha101's picture

I hate the fact that bm still goes by dh's name, even though they've long since divorced and me and dh have been married over 3 years. The worst thing was when she had a kid with father unknown and had the cheek to give it dh's name. In her pathetic little mind, she loves the thought of her, skids and her new kid all having the same surname so she can fantasise about them all being one big, happy family. In reality, dh got custody of skids because she was proved to be an unfit mother, she only found out who the father was to her youngest kid after DNA testing and now he doesn't want to know her or the kid. She's lonely and miserable, is desperate for a man, has no money and no job and lives in a dump which she hates. I particularly resent her giving her youngest kid dh's name as we tried and failed to have our own child, yet she can open her legs to loads of random men, get pregnant, pop one out no problem and give it the surname of my dh who has absolutely nothing to do with it while we had to admit defeat when I got into my mid-forties and was put on medication for diabetes. It still hurts, but I try to remind myself that it's only a name and that I have what bm desperately wants - a good man who she chose to treat like shit, her kids living with me, a good job and a decent place to live, plus an above average IQ in comparison to her being as thick as shit and not being able to understand her 10 year old's hommework. I think bm's who do this are just pathetic losers who are hanging onto the past, fantasising that everything is wonderful and they still have the perfect family - either that or they're doing it on purpose to annoy their xh and his new wife. I think in our bm's case it's probaby both.

B22S22's picture

BM here continued to use DH's last name until she remarried. Now she hyphenates DH's last name - New Husband's Last Name.

But I notice on legal documents (like the tax form she signs for DH every year) she only uses DH's last name.