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Too little too late dh or get off my property before I have you arrested...

princessmofo's picture

A$$hat was to be out by the 5th. He took the holiday weekend to pack and was gone by Sunday. But lo and behold he moved into the duplexes a stones throw from my home. He can literally see my house from his driveway. Meh, whatever.

He's been texting me daily and even suggested counseling. I'm not responding, unless it's a letter from his attorney. I'm not interested. My kids seem to be taking it in stride and I am attempting to keep things as normal as possible.

And then, all of a sudden, this stupid a$$ $hit happens. STBXDH takes it upon himself to try to play upon my emotions (moot point as I have none) and in some druken induced emotional tirade drives to my house on his bike after dark on Tuesday and blasts Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" from a f*cking boombox in the driveway!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

I was in the bunker and couldn't hear it. But the kids were baffled to say the least and informed me of the situation. My response was to turn off the front light and all the lights in the house, take the kids downstairs with me and continue to enjoy my movie. I'm not sure how long he was out there, but when I went to bed he was gone.

Sorry, dh. John Hughes didn't direct my life. But well played. If only you'd put that much effort into our marriage a little sooner... FFS. How do these crazies find me?!


Annoyed1's picture

Lol! I wish I had your attitude with my ex :/ It's been 4 months since I left my 11 year relationship and my ex still tries to get me back. I feel guilty and sad for him, but like you said, if only he put that much effort into our relationship. It's sad. I need to get a bigger backbone.

princessmofo's picture

When I close the door on something, I'm done. It's my superpower. STBXDH knew this. When I'm done, I'm done. He thought I was bluffing... Nope.

twoviewpoints's picture

I think I'd move. Ex lurking within shouting distance would be more than I could stomach.

princessmofo's picture

I was here first. Lol! And I love my house. I've put a lot into it over the years. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I'm sure he'll grow bored and move on eventually.

hereiam's picture

Um, the 80s called and they want their boombox back. And their John Hughes script. I mean, I love his movies but come on!

Definitely a case of waaaaay too little and waaaaay too late. And waaaaay too cheesy.

iluvcheese's picture

That'd work for me if it were John Cusack in my driveway, no Xbf's need to try it. Men don't work like women do, once they have us they instantly stop trying…not all, but most, at least in the romance department. Have fun starting over & leaving the bs behind.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Actually "Say Anything" was written by Cameron Crowe and was the first movie he directed. Not to take anything away from John Hughes, but I think this movie is a little bit deeper than most of the 80's teen flicks.

I agree with Cheese - if it was John Cusack in my drive I'd run right out. Otherwise it would be creepy.