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This woman's opinion makes ME want to vomit...

princessmofo's picture

This woman and her "rant" disgust me. I'm so glad we can tear one another down as a sex, for our individual choices, instead of embracing one another as equals. I loved being a stay at home mom.


Unfreakingreal's picture

Holy shit, I just read it. Wow, that was just gross. What a miserable bitch! CLEARLY, she wants a MAN & KIDS and can't have neither! BLAH!

z3girl's picture

Such ignorance. SMH

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that people who write articles like that, and feel the need to attack lifestyle choices that are different than their own have voids or issues with their own lives. It's like she feels the need to defend her choice to not have children. Offense is the best defense, no?

bellladonna's picture

lol@ foreverstacey

Articles like this make me so mad, because I feel like I am constantly having to defend myself for being a SAHM. I have to justify my choice to take care of family to family, friends, DH's family, and now to this Amy Glass chick.

I will say this though, staying at home is the hardest job I've ever had. I love taking care of my family. I tell my DH he doesn't know how hard I have it. My job is 24/7, I never get a sick day, lunch break, or a raise! lol! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I would give anything to be a SAHM. I am sick of working. I don't want to do shit anymore, I am exhausted. Shoot me Glass bitch and go screw yourself.

Missmozzer's picture

Ugh! So tired of people like her making us sahm's feel like what we do isn't good enough. I worked until I was 9 mos pregnant so I know what it's like to work inside and outside of the home. Neither one is easy, they are hard in different ways. I feel like being home with my child is the best choice for my family right now, just like for some moms going back to work is the best choice for their family! Ugh what a disgusting woman.

StepKat's picture

OMG! This woman is absolutely horrible! Why can't she celebrate a woman's choice to be a SAHM. I'm mean, that's what the woman's right movement was about. Women getting to choose how they live their lives.

Generic's picture

LOL. I can already tell from the comments I don't need to read this! I'm a SAHM and these kinda of "articles" have me reeling for days! Mommy Wars suck but it's usually not us starting the shit with working women.