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This is about my dd rant

purpledaisies's picture

Ok I have a question do u think others can influence people the opposite of how they were raised?

I ask b/c my dd has been acting like an entitled lite brat! I bought her clothes and shoes for Xmas along with a visa gc and food. I did the same for my son.

Now here is where I got pissed. I sent son down and he will stay with her for 2 days getting his stuff together for school. Dd asked if I was sending food money? Huh? Ds has his gc plus cash from other family members just like she got plus she works.

I told her no as I didn't have any extra money and it's not like he is going down there with no money. She then said but you had money for your Mani and pedi. I was livid!!!!! First that was a gift and second it's none of her business! And its not like the kid had no money he has 100 all together just like she had for Xmas. I wanted to back hand that child!!!

So back to my question her room mates mom comes down every weekend and cleans their apartment a d takes her shopping and gives her money. Do you think this is where dd is getting g her attitude?


hismineandours's picture

I certainly think it is possible. If you spend enough time around people they can certainly influence you. Who knows perhaps-the roommate or her mom is saying if your brother is coming down-your mom needs to pay you for that? People are nuts nowadays and have no compunction sticking their nose in where it doesnt belong.

purpledaisies's picture

Yes I do send mo ey when I can. I have went down a few times and bought food and ga e it to her. Not consistently but still more than I'm obligated. Geez.

Plus I'm giving g her another care as the traditional transmission went out in her car and I blasted her for what she said. I was livid. I told her that unless she doesn't want that car then she should keep on. I would take it back. She started saying how sorry she was and blah blah blah.

But then after sd got there the said again he has no food money. I told her he has money for anything he needs while there and it is for him not her as she had the same amount.
I'm thinking of taking that car and making her come up with the money to fix her other one. Gggrrr

Willow2010's picture

LOl..She is just getting a little big for her britches. She sounds like she will get over it pretty quick though.

onebright1's picture

When my son was in HS football a couple years ago, he started getting that attitude also. He would demand cell phones, and rides from and to practice. I would say "nope, cant afford it" or "its only a mile or less to walk it" He would go on and on about the 'other guys moms do it and buy it bla bla bla.' I finally just said " Their moms must love them alot more" Wink He was a smart kid , He got it Wink