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dh talking to ss16 about cs and him not worring about food

purpledaisies's picture

I posted the other day about yuck talking shot about dh not paying cs and how she can't feed them now.
Now dh does have a job and cs is to resume next week. Dh was only out of work for 3 months and he sold some things and paid a few cs payments so he wouldn't get too far behind.

But apparently that wasn't good enough for yuck and she told the skids that since their dad didn't pay cs she can't afford to feed them. Even though she is on food stamps. She has no bills or rent nothing. She worked for a short time but says it gets in the way. Eye roll.

Anyway dh sat ss16 down to talk to him so he wouldn't feel like he has to get a job for the sole purpose of feeding himself.

He asked ss16 how much has his mom worked throught the last 10 years. SS said maybe a year. Then dh said I paid my cs for 10 years without fail and lost my job but have another so cs will resume OK. With that said everything that your mom buys is with cs right? Ss16 said you are right so you are supporting us 100% . I will note that SS didn't realize food stamps is something from the government but will let that go.

So in the end ss16 gets it. But dh did tell him that if he wants a job he should do it and he should anyway to get the experience.
I hope I explained this well. LOL
I will also say that it may not have been the best way to word this but he is a Guy and his intentions were not to make ss16 think badly of his mom. I do think it as well as it could with me not being here.


PeanutandSons's picture

I think that was a great talk. By 16 he is ready to hear the truth and come to his own conclusions. Sounds like dh just presented the facts and SS can make his own opinions from there.

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you peanut. I'm just so tired of yuck making it look like dh is a dead beat when he is far from it. Its true he doesn't buy a thing extra for yucks home bit as I said all the money she gets is cs. She refuses to get a job as it gets in the way. I do think that if she would get a job and start supporting herself and her half for her kids then dh would be more inclined to help ya know? But as it is dh is supporting her and the boys 100%. Except the house she lives in yucks aunt bought it.

But we do buy for them while they are here.

tryingmom's picture

I think that was an excellent explanation. At some point the skids need to understand that while one household works hard to pay CS and the receiver household does not, it isn't an equation that adds up.

Our skids are a little too young to hear all this. We do try to explain that CS is paid every paycheck. It is for 50% of financially supporting the skids. BM lives off of it. It gets old hearing from the skids that BM has no money all the time. BM got a part time job but heard over this past weekend that she works maybe 15 - 20 hrs a week. Per SS13 BM doesn't work full time bc she doesn't have a college degree. Ummm, I know plenty of people without a college degree that work full time degrees and have been successful. SMDH

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you and I agree these bms should get jobs and support themselves and their half for their kids. Instead they seem to think that having kids means they are setting for life. :sick:

I always had a job and I supported me and my kids I didn't receive cs or anything else. I worked my ass off still do and yuck gets to sit on her fat ass and make us look like the bad guys. Pisses me off.