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I think I will have to talk to YUCK!

purpledaisies's picture

I have been going over and over the Disney trip (there is WAY more to this in I thought :O )

Anyway I want to make sure they have all the right clothes and shoes mainly b/c ss16 wants to bring his water shoes to wear in the parks! :?

I know Yuck and I don;t think she would let him do that b/c he will get blisters and his feet will hurt.

She lets them pack themselves which is fine but i don't think she checks what they pack b/c last year they only packed a few out fits and i had to do laundry!

I also want yuck to know that we will be going somewhere that they need sunblock and hats and sunglasses so if they have that stuff at her house they should pack it. I know that she will want them too.

the only thing is I DO NOT want to talk to her! After all the crap I don;t want her to think we are buddies or something and I forgave and forgot what she did to me and my kids! It was really bad and I will never get over it ever!

I if I ask dh to do it he will play it off as if it is no big deal and they won't pack right.

Advice please.


DeeDeeTX's picture

Umm, why can't you just buy sunblock and sunglasses yourself? You're paying how much for Disney, then stressing yourself out over $10 sunblock and $20 sunglasses?

purpledaisies's picture

It's more of their shoes then anything, I don't want them to come with just flip flops and not enough clothes or worse ss16 will pack nothing but jeans!

DeeDeeTX's picture

I remember when I was a teenager and went away to camp and my mom begged me to take warm clothes, but I refused. I spent the nights freezing my butt off, but I still remember that as a valuable lesson. And I admireded my mom for having the courage to let me make my own choices and suffer the consequences.

Maybe you should do something similar. Tell them to bring sneakers since there is a lot of walking, but if they don't, too bad. Maybe they'll learn a lesson too.

daisy0202's picture

I would just buy them the stuff they need and leave it at my home this way you dont have to worry about it every again...Thats what DH and I do...Its just easier...

purpledaisies's picture

I will not buy them the things they already have again as she doesn;t work and use the CS so we have already bought those items! Besides it was their idea to not have anything at our house b/c they have to put it way and *gasp* clean their rooms and chores!

purpledaisies's picture

No she doesn't have email. However I think what i'm going to do is put together a list for them and let them pack and check them items off. That way i don;t have to talk to her and I can feel like they will have some guidance on what to pack. Thanks.

forestfairy's picture

He's 16. He should be responsible enough to pack what you ask him to. Give him a list, if he screws up, then he doesn't have the shoes at the water park and that's that.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Print him out a checklist and tell him to pack it himself. Then when he's done, take the checklist and pick a few random items off of it (close toed shoes, sunscreen, sunglasses, 6 pairs underwear for example) and have him pull them out and show them to you. Just a quick "spot check".