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My weekend..

purpledaisies's picture

After the shock on sat about ss15 taking over my living room and being in our room (which he got in major trouble for) it went fairly ok.

Then on sun. ss12 kept getting in trouble as he kept wanting dh to fix his tire on his bike. now this is the same bike that bm wanted us to go out of our way to pick up. I found out that this bike was a trade ss12 did without bm's permission and she was LIVID. ss12 got grounded but was allowed to bring the bike to our house. :?
Anyway dh was trying to put up our new back door which was long over due as the thresh hold rotted. It was taking a lot longer then he expected and was getting very aggravated with it and ss12 as he was coming in at least every 2 mins saying he couldn't get the tire to work.

Finally dh yelled at him tom knock it off and to go clean his room that should have been clean LONG ago! Finally got their room done yay! But it took like a month! That is the draw back from them being here only eowe!

I kept my mouth shut and let dh handle the whole thing. But then before they went home I had them clean up all their messes and had them do the dishes as my son was very sick and felt it was only fair that they can take up his slack from time to time. That is what FAMILIES DO right?? .
Well they didn't argue with me about doing them but with each other of who was going to do what lol. So I let them do that til they finally had each one doing something but whoever wasn't doing as much (ss15 is good at getting out of as much work as the others) i made him sweep the floor. Too funny.

Now at the same time ss12 was outside so only ss15 and 14 did the dishes and of course ss15 said something about him and what is he going to do. I told him not to worry about ss12 not hbis business.

ss12 came in and I had him clean the bathroom (that many boys and yep it sticks!) He did not grip at all very happy with him.

So mainly I was very upset over ss15 taking over MY space. It would be different if he didn't have his OWN space that he is provided so he does take over MY space he even has a freaking tv in there! And him in MY bedroom