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O/T someone please tell me I'm not insane!

purpledaisies's picture

Ok as most know dh and I started a bird breeding business. My dh has this problem with trading instead of selling the birds. (eye roll in here) He knows how I feel about that but he said every time he trades I get to buy cabbage patch stuff. So I thought um ok it should only take a few times hopefully and he will slack of from that.

So anyway yesterday he traded a bird for a raccoon! Yep you read that right! a raccoon! We have more animals than I care to admit plus my dorky is about to have pups. I can't deal with a raccoon too! :jawdrop:

this thing is supper tame but still he is into EVERYTHING! And today he jumped on my head and yanked my pony tail out, I guess he didn't want it in a pony! Blum 3

I don;t know if this is going to work. :O


purpledaisies's picture

He wants it to be his pet and run around in the house like the little dogs we have. He tried to let him sleep with him but he wanted to play, lol That was too funny. He plays rough but he doesn't mean to hurt but he does with his claws and bites a little too hard sometimes.

I've been begging him to set up a little area in the yard so I put the little guys out there but then he brings in a raccoon! :O

purpledaisies's picture

I hear ya there. Dh has been wanting a monkey but I said no. I might have to say no to this raccoon. lol

ConfusedStep's picture

OK, I'm sorry. I can't stop laughing and now I'm having contractions. This is too funny.