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update on its the govenments fault i got a ticket.

purpledaisies's picture

Boys went home monday morn. Ss 16 still wont take responsibility for the ticket now his excuse is that 'if dad wasnt such a butt about them being here on time he wouldnt have had to spend to get here before cerfew' he got stopped at 10:15 and cerfew id 11 but he was only 20 min from us. Yeah that didnt fly.

Yuck took his xbox but refuses to take the keys. Dh tried his damnest to get her to take the keys bur nope.

Imean this kid not only has 2 tickets and he totaled his car in less than a year and has an excuse for all of it nothing is his fault. Then he went behind both parents back and called yucks aunt and she was going to come get them til yuck got mad. Plus he threw a fit about driving home sun after no sleep for over 24 hrs. To both his mom and dad to the point his dad was so pissed he had to leave before he hurt him. And his mom yuck was pissed as i could hear her over the phone.

But all he got was his xbox taken away. :?

All this taught him is he can drive like an idiot and still get to drive even after he totaled a car and the next day get one handed to him.

But dh asked if he could drive my car to the store :? Hell no will be get to drive my car!


purpledaisies's picture

Yea i know we told him the same thing but his mom yuck has and will pay them. :sick:

Dh tols yuck he wasnt paying his ticket and she shouldn't either. He has a job he can pay but yuck wont have it.

Hanny's picture

I totally agree, live with their consequences. It's been my experience with my 5 step sons, and my bio daughter, that if the child doesn't participate in the expense of something (whether it be an education, a ticket, a computer, etc) then they do not appreciate it and take it for granted. If they have had to work and contribute their own money then they will take it more seriously, they will study more, drive more careful, take care of things, etc.