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wake up cqll from ss17

purpledaisies's picture

Ss17 called wanting to know what size condoms to get. :jawdrop: he had all kinds of questions.

Then Yuck called later to tell dh that he talked to her about it and how their conversation went.
But then apparently ss16 got mad at Yuck for not telling ss17 not to have sex. In fact he told Yuck 'what of mother tells her kid he can have sex? And I'm sick of ss17 getting to do what ever he wants when he wants.'

Dh told Yuck that ss16 is right that she let's hum do whatever he wants but he does agree that it won't do any good to tell him not to have sex. However she should have told him that he needs to wait and why like he did when he called him.

I find it very ironic that ss16 called Yuck out letting ss17 do whatever he wants and she says nothing to him. She even told dh that she is afraid to say anything to ss17 so he still like her. Eye roll here.


NCMilGal's picture

Eh. My SD17 has been 'active' for three years now, I know there's not a damn thing I could tell her that would make her stop and wait - with every boy so far it's been 'twu wuv!' So yeah, I'd much rather have the condoms and STDs talk, and the birth control talk than the 'I think I'm pregnant' talk.

Of course I'll be trying to instill my values in her as well, but I honestly don't think having premarital sex makes you a bad person. Having unsafe sex and getting knocked up 'accidentally'/on purpose (like BM did and thinks she will) makes you monumentally stupid and is dishonest to your partner, and I want her to internalize that.

Patsy's picture

I tried to tell all the pitfalls of sex to my SD who was 15 at the time. It didn't matter, not one bit. Now she is 17 and WANTS to have a baby. I said OH honey the show is called 16 and pregnant you are too late! The BIOS just thought they could talk her out of it. I had an uproar and said when she is with us she will not leave the house until she is on the shot. That did not go over at all. Well after her miscarriage BM and my DH realized she needed to get on the shot and take the baby making decision out of her hands.

NCMilGal's picture

She claims not to want to get pregnant. Lord knows, she saw what happens when you get married young to a poor match and have a baby just because you want one - that's her. She also sat through all of the court proceedings when BM was trying to get her third baby daddy to live up to his responsibilities. (He ran for the hills the second BM told him she was knocked up, and I don't blame him) She also half raised her little brother, so she has a pretty realistic view of what child care is like.

Then she sees her dad and me, how we live and what what have - that's what she wants.

I'm not going to try to shame her for liking sex, I just want her to be smart about it, and not get tied to some loser she sleeps with as a teenager. I made my mistakes and it made me who I am; she deserves the same chances.

Patsy's picture

My SD saw a lot of the same things you have mentioned and it just did not phase her. She felt it would be different because her boyfriend loved her and works three jobs and has a rich family. She knew it all and there was no way to sway her. BM called the school counselor and told her what was going on. Now a kid who is failing is taken out of class to be counseled about the effects of sex and pregnancy at her age. My SD loves that she gets out of class to talk to the counselor. SD told me "I like talking to her. She helps me." I said helps you with what I have talked to you until I was blue in the face about STDs and pregnancy and I know you and your BF still want to have a baby. Did you tell your counselor you want a baby and you are trying to get pregnant? Her responce "NO I didn't tell her that." I said but that is the truth of it right SD says "yeah". Then how is pulling you out of class to talk to a counselor who you are not honest to helping? All that will help you is the shot! I week later she is on it. So she says! We are still waiting for BM to confirm this.

Jmom's picture

While I truly would love for BS13 to wait (I didn't) I'm not stupid. I'd rather have him prepared and me teach him the what's what than his peers . . .shivers!

purpledaisies's picture

I know that nothing we say or do will stop ss17 from having sex. I just found it funny that ss16 called Yuck out on letting ss17 do whatever he wants when he wants. He has been at our house at 3am before just out doing whatever of course Bm had idea where he was.

I agree at least he is using condoms. That wasn't my point. My point was that ss16 called his Bm out lol.

Patsy's picture

At least you have a boy you only hove one penis to worry about.....I have girls I worry about all the penises!

Patsy's picture

Sounds like your SS17 is throwing it in everyone's face that he is going to have sex! :sick: Maybe he wants a parade to celebrate as well! Calling about the size of condoms - come on he is 17 I am sure he knows how to use protection unless he was raised Amish. Wait, I take that back even the Amish know what protection is at that age and I am sure they don't ask their parents about it. I think it is great SS16 called out YUCK for this!

lillfiredog's picture

I used to drive my BS17 to the Health Unit for sexual health care/condoms etc. I am very open with them about sex. I am with Patsy though, it is like he is showing off..... meh, who cares..... LOL!

DaizyDuke's picture

BM2 recently told DH that she started giving SS14 condoms when he was 11. Because she is mother of the year don't you know!

Patsy's picture

DAIZY have a plaque made and sent to her! }:) Geesh! at 11! I know a talk is needed, but really to supply the 11yrold with condoms.....I am not mature enough to see the value in that. :sick:

Tuff Noogies's picture

i had one brief conversation with SS15 in this regard. he was talking about kids and how he hates kids and he will never ever ever have kids.

"you can make that happen if that's what you want!"


"i will tell you this, and tell you this once. keep it wrapped, and dont stick it in 'Stupid'."

"Oh my gawwwwwdddd!!!!!!!"

it was absolutely hilarious.

Patsy's picture

Tuff Noogies :jawdrop: That is great! I think at that age you just have to talk straight and to the point. "counseling" to a person who knows everything doesn't get anywhere! If I ever have a boy I am stealing that!