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why is it that as soon as you clean it gets trashed!

purpledaisies's picture

Ugh I cleaned my kitchen sat. I left for work cane home to a trashed kitchen by skids and my son. I wanted to kick them all! Pissed me off so bad but the thing I notcied is that when skids aren't here my kitchen stays fairly clean even when my son is home. But when skids are here it is horriblely trashed. Gggrrrrr


PeanutandSons's picture

Yep, the weekends that then skid go with their aunt or grandparents my house is spotless. The days they are home its a nightmare. I don't understand how two kids can make so much mess, yet my two kids (who are younger) don't.

Starla's picture

You got that right!!!

Haha DH and I were having a discussion one day and we still hadn't decided who would trash a place sooner..the two Skids or their mother cooking a few meals. I love my CLOROX Disinfecting Wipes Smile

SteppingUp's picture

I swear it's pointless to even bother cleaning our house anymore. Between the kids, DH, and the dog, a day is all they need to be right back where we started!!!