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won't believe what dh did!

purpledaisies's picture

on thurs. night he put his cell phone on top of the car and I left for work, yep you guessed it. We have no idea where it is or anything. It was a droid, not a cheap phone!! Sometimes???? Then of course bm called and texted and then was mad b/c she couldn't get a hold of him!! Geez really??


Asher10's picture

lol oh i have serious sympathy for the missing phone!My smartphone just got trashed accidentally and i had to get a new about ouch for my wallet!

Asher10's picture

oh good you have insurance!Dumb luck for me because i had the phone for about a year and nothing happened to it so i cancelled the policy then it got trashed a month later.Go figure Wink

purpledaisies's picture

Wishing we just might have the same dh -- mine has this really bad habit of throwing his phone on the side of the house out side when he gets mad at bm. Bm will call screaming at him till he gets that upset!