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Yuck says she has something REALLY bad against us!

purpledaisies's picture

If you have read my blogs about the boys disrespect to yuck you know that dh sat them down adn had a huge talk with them. I also blogged about yucks version and their version.

Well dh told me a little detail I didn;t know yesterday that ss16 told him on sunday. When dh had the talk with the boys ss16 said he wanted to live with us. When ss16 told yuck she said that she has something so horrible that it would ruin us for life and if he wanted to try he could but he would be ruining his dad's life and him living with us wouldn't happen.

Well I just started laughing b/c we haven't done anything small let alone horrible that would ruin our lives! LOL whatever.

The last night she did this she tried to say my son was molesting ss12. Yeah um ok! :sick:

The time before that she said she had pics of us having sex in front of the kids. This woman is SICK! :sick: :sick: :sick:


Auteur's picture

File under: "Grasping at Straws" Sniff Sniff. . .funny how desparation has such a FOUL smell.

oneoffour's picture

Or the alternative reply to her is ... "Really? Not half as much as I have on you, girlfriend!" Let her sweat!

lac925's picture

This sounds exactly like OUR BM (I know, SHOCKER, right???). She always tries to use the kids against me and FH, saying she has "things to use against us", too. She's already got the kids brainwashed into thinking WE'RE the bad ones (only because we have rules at our house) and SHE's the good one (only because she buys them stuff when they act out and lets them do whatever they want). These kids are screwed up for life!

gijimenez5's picture

Why does SS16 want to live with you guys? I would be devasted if my son said he wanted to go live with dad? But besides that can it be just him being a teenager or is BM a sucky parent. You know kids they always thing the grass is greener, but then when you guys start laying down the law all hell breaks lose, and he would find himself trying to go back with mom.

purpledaisies's picture

gijimenez5 it is b/c of the things she does and says. Plus she is like when you start play punching someone and it doesn't hurt but if you keep doing it for a period of time it starts to get annoying then it hurts yep that it her!

It has been a long time coming and dh has tried to get him out of there but it is a work in progress.

Yuck claims that ss16 is so disrespectful but every time she either calls or texts dh with what he has done dh asks her what did she do about it. Of course she does nothing. That is the prob. she seems to think that dh should some how make it magically better. :?

purpledaisies's picture

I know I am so at a loss on what to do and how to do it. I really don't know what to do or what to say to skids?? Need a little help in that.

However dh told him to ask her what it is and if she doesn't say or refuses then he knows she has nothing. I don't think that was the best idea but I wasn't involved in the talk.

Ommy's picture

I would try telling the SKs that when she starts to bad mouth their father they need to look directly at her in a calm voice say. “Are you my mother” when she answers yes, have them then say “well he is my father, and in a family you learn to forgive and move on for a healthy relationship. I love you and I love my father no matter what gets said, and that love will never change”. And have them walk away. I think a lot of our BM’s loose the fact that there is no good vs. evil battle happening there is only children stuck in between too homes, there is enough love for both parents and I don’t think that they can understand that.

purpledaisies's picture

Ommy you are right. I do know that she bad mouths us to everyone in front of the boys all the time.

Ommy's picture

At least from your blogs it sounds like you have some pretty good SKids, yes the older boy has gotten into some trouble however it is kind of normal teen stuff that happens. Tickets and having a party when parents are out of town is bad yes but normal.

purpledaisies's picture

I know they are good kids they just get very tired of their mom always pulling the single mom card and being the victim and always bad mouthing their dad. She is on their ass 24/7 for something it doesn't matter what it is I mean hell they can't even brush their teeth with out her being in the bathroom with them and making sure they do it HER way!

Here I don;t follow them around like they are 2 year olds and let them do things for their age! They have asked me to teach them to cook and other things. Bm said she wants them to be little for as long as possible.

Kilgore SMom's picture

If ss is 16 doesn't he have the right to choose which parent to live with? I always thought they could at age 14. SS sounds like he's out grown BM bs.

purpledaisies's picture

Ss16 has which is why they are getting along anymore. They all see through her crap. Ss16 is just more vocal about it.

I do think he is and that is why she told him she has something really bad on us!!! Whatever! I would really like to know what she thinks she has though. It would make for a good laugh! }:)