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yucks plan back fired lol

purpledaisies's picture

On our way home yesterday she texted saying she wanted to know if we were keeping ss15 and ss12 or if they were coming home with ss16. What that was the first we heard of this as dh has them til the 15th. Well yuck assumed that ss16 was working today (how that makes her think he will stay at her house me but oh well) so any way dh had ss16 call his work to conform him working or not and he doesnt have to be there til Wednesday. So yuck got upset and tried to,say she called his work and he has to be there today. Ss16 told yuck that he will stay with dad.

It is just funny b/c she assumes she will get her


purpledaisies's picture

NeI know right she assumed ss16 was working and assumed ss16 was staying with her and assumed ss15 and ss12 would come too. Plus all day yesterday she kept asking when we would be home then tried to say her aunt wanted to know. Then the funny partwas that the boys would tell her they didn't want to talk to her every time she called t o talk to them, i stayed out of It so did dh. They turned their phones off while there too, then yuck called dh phone they told her their phones were dead. This was all the boys doing it was quite funny to watch even though i know id want to talk to my kids if they were that far away. But she did it to herself with her lies and actions and the way she treats dh. They see all that behavior and do it to her.