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The House remodel project

rainbow bright83's picture

I am renovating the house I grew up in that is on my grandmas property. Hopefully it will be done in the next 2 weeks so we can then move in. My uncle was there (we were never close, but due to circumstances are working on this together and are forming one) and was concerned about my moods (Damn you FB!!! lol) I had to explain to him about all the bad memories in this house, but that I was excited to make new ones with my own family.

Anyway, We have only 6 windows left to frame!!!! Then the siding will go up, and we will get the drywall/ painting done, and flooring last. I am sooooo excited!!!

I took BS10, DS8, and DD6 over to the house yesterday for the first time. They had a blast climbing in the trees and running around the huge yard. My grandma was just overjoyed commenting that she never thought my kids would be climbing the trees in the yard. We are all just so excited that this house will be full of laughter as its been a source of tension for many years.

The best part is that its out of town, sort of away from the In-laws, and out of the way for OSD18 to drive (she likes to just show up for money).


Sports Fan's picture

Congrats. I have a very old house-108 years old. When my 1st husband and I bought it 11 years ago, it needed a lot of interior work. The couple that had owned it for the 60 plus years prior never met a wallpaper they didn't like. There were 13 layers in my BS's room. I started working on it and have now re-done all the rooms except the kitchen. It is such a sense of accomplishment to have worked on it myself.

I'm sure you will enjoy your new home.

rainbow bright83's picture

Right now the home looks like a wrecking crew came through and had a field day! (which we did, I cant lie. It was so much fun tearing it apart) But the more pieces we put back together, the more its looking like a home. Thank you for the kind words!