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OMG! FFIL lost his mind

realitycheckmom's picture

Not only has FMIL lied and PASed SS now FFIL has told FDH that if he will get rid of me and DD FDH and SS can stay. Asshole we are about to close on a house and you have insulted me to the point I don't forsee you ever being invited to our home let alone our lives.

Oh I forgot the little gem of FFIL is also going to take us to court for visitation not custody. What the heck is wrong with people? Your wife is a liar and this is your son's child not yours. You don't seem to realize you are not G-d nor were you appointed leader of our family or the free world.

Yes we want SS to see his grandparents but not if they are going to tell him FDH and I are bad people and he shouldn't be with us.

What's a little more stress.


PeopleAreStrange's picture

I'm sorry. I don't agree with grandparent visitation rights for those very reasons. Do you think he'd actually try it/live in a state that would allow it?

I seldom let my mom see my kids and that's my choice- I am the parent and have to make the call in their best interest.

realitycheckmom's picture

We live in Alabama and while there is a law on the books for grandparents rights every ruling that was pro grandparents has been overturned on appeal and now most judges will rule in the parents favor because no one wants to be overturned on appeal. If the parents are fit then its just a money drain. I am sure FFIL will take us all to court. They have always gotten their way with FDH before and now that he is out from under their thumbs they are pissed. It's a horrible situation.

PeopleAreStrange's picture

Well it sounds like he doesn't have a chance, so I'd let him waste him money. I'm really sorry you are dealing with this sort of crap though.

hereiam's picture

"I am the parent and have to make the call in their best interest."

That is how it is usually looked at. Grandparent rights are usually for grandparents who are being denied visitation by the OTHER parent, not their son/daughter (in a death or divorce situation). So, your FDH has a right to say his own parents cannot see his child, if that's what he chooses.

realitycheckmom's picture

Thanks Foxie. FDH's brother has tried to start some shit between us. Brother probably needs another $5,000 from daddy so he wants to rev up the ill will. FFIL has some money and he thinks he can toss that around and get his way. FFIL also thinks that we can't afford to ne on our own and off his property.

realitycheckmom's picture

We are moving an hours drive away. Hopefully it will be far enough. They are really manipulative and FDH has pretty much cut them out. He shut them out long before I did.

This was just the OMG final straw. FMIL told SS she had custody of him and we were going to take him away to florida and that we would end up in court and he would have to go before a judge and she described who would be there in detail. Who does this to their own family. FMIL said SS9 lied about it and FFIL apparently knows all about it and is backing her. Toxic is an understatement.

realitycheckmom's picture

Dtzy, the grandparents have spoiled SS to the point he is truly rotten on most occasions. Ugh, he is very entitled and drives me nuts. FFIL has spent so much time buying everyone's love in this family that he can't believe his son would not sell him SS for a rent free home. That is literally what it is boiling down too. Let SS live with the grandparents and get rid of rcm and DD and FDH can stay and pay no rent. Ummm we will take a mortgage and be happy together rather than split up over something as insignificant as paying rent. I don't know who would choose to give up their fiance and son for free rent.