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Feel sick after seeing the total

RedWingsFan's picture

DH is gathering info for his mediation/court battle against BM with regards to her getting 100% parenting time and CS for stepdevil14.

Among other things, we've paid 100% of her therapy bills. I say we because this money came out of our joint funds and it was my suggestion that she go to therapy to help her cope with their divorce and our subsequent engagement.

DH emailed the therapist asking for a breakdown of the amount of visits and the total paid for said visits. Ready for this? In less than a year's worth of therapy for the little shit to just lie for attention and sympathy, grand total: $1000.00!!!!

As if we couldn't have used that money on other things right?

It's too bad we didn't find out she was totally pulling the wool over the therapist's eyes MUCH sooner. It didn't help her cope with the divorce because she lied about how she really felt, pretended everything was perfectly fine and LOVED her therapist because she got all that attention and sympathy. She made me out to be this horrific person who was hell bent on making her miserable and stealing her daddy away from her. I only found out the truth when the therapist suggested "family" counseling sessions with SD, me and DH. SD fought and fought against it, saying she didn't want me there, etc. I went. I found out the truth. She lied about damn near everything. When that was revealed, the therapy sessions were stopped. We felt like total idiots.

I'm disgusted. Her mother wants her all the time, has PAS'd her against us and now is dragging him into court for more fucking money. She never contributed to this kid's therapy or anything else and now she's likely to get an increase in CS and we don't have the damn extra money! I'm looking at 2nd jobs just to make ends meet. If my daughter does decide to move in with us this summer, we'll have to do some major financial restructuring even though I won't be paying her dad $500 in CS every month. That's fine, because I want my girl here more than anything and will do whatever it takes to get her here. I just hate that the money we spent on stepdevil could've gone elsewhere.

I'm just GRRRRRRRRRRRRR you know?

Thanks for the venting session. I am not letting this one get me down as it's already money spent (WASTED) and we can't get it back. Just another way this brat has cost us, both financially and emotionally.


RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah I know right? Oh well. Money wasted. She's still a little bitch and of course, now we're facing paying more in CS but the silver lining is I don't have to see her face!