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Big Argument

sam's picture

Well today was crap i got into a big fight with dh.SS asked me this morning again after not talking to me for 5 days if i can go buy his card for his computer 40.00 if you read my last post you would know why we said no so i said go and talk to your dad so he marched upstairs to ask his dad and his dad said why dont you talk to me so ss just left ignoring his question so i went upstairs and tried talking to dh about it and we started getting into a heated discussion well i told him that the kids are spoiled and he said he doesnt want my opinion because i havent tried talking to ss and i tried talking to ss the first day but he told me to leave him alone and my dh knows about he was basically saying that if i didnt try with ss that i shouldnt have an opinion.But its ok if ss and sd talk bad about me and call me names and whats his excuse for not talking to them its because he doesnt talk to them hardly and he doesnt know how to start off the conversation about it.So thats ok if they call me names to their mother or my family members?I have done nothing but try with these kids and never once said anything bad to them.I feel like my husband is letting them walk on me and he just wont listen if i try to talk to him.


secondwife20's picture

DH tell SS to ask you about the card... but then turn around and say that your opinion doesn't matter??

That. Is. Effed. Up.

I tell you what, Sam... you are a very patient woman. Even though I tolerate a lot of SD8's attitude, I will not stand being called names. Especially by children. If DH doesn't do anything when his kids call you names, slap them. I know that if SD8 started calling me names, boy would she regret it. That is one thing my parents taught me was to ALWAYS respect adults, even if you don't like them. Name calling would get me a bloody mouth.

*hugs* Do not let those children walk all over you, even if DH allows it. I don't care if the skids go crying to daddy or mommy... THEY SHOULD NOT TREAT YOU LIKE THAT. And I wouldn't even try to be nice with them. If they can't appreciate you and respect you, FORGET IT. Let DH deal with them.

Sorry I got so upset over this... it just hurts me that you do so much and try so hard and DH just lets the skids treat you like this. You deserve so much better.

JMC's picture


My DH does the same thing - it's fine for the princesses to be rude, sarcastic or ignore me but let me do it to them and all hell breaks loose! It got so bad with my SD's I purchased a small voice activated recorder to carry in my pocket. I'm sick, sick, sick of hearing "they're just kids" (BullS&*t! They're young adults, 17 and 21 - do they suddenly learn manners at a certain age??) or "they're not your kids, so you don't love them" or here's a goody, "you're the adult" - well then if he insists on treating them like kiddies, aren't kiddies supposed to respect adults? In my case, my DH doesn't like conflict so he allows them to walk all over him. He certainly doesn't have a problem with conflict when it comes to me. It's so frustrating especially when you're trying to do the right thing and making the effort to get along.

sam's picture

shitty about all this i mean my sd sat there and told my niece and my sister that i was a bitch and her dad would take her side on everything and my sister called and told me this dh didnt believe that his daughter would do that it was on her email account but he says that her mother probably wrote that it took his friend to come over and tell him he needs to stick up for me.And then an incident happened with my bs and sd and unfortunately the police were called it was all over calling one of sd friends a name who my bs didnt even know so when i brought my bs to the police station the cop told me by the sounds of the way sd and her mother were talking about me and my bs he didnt believe that we would come and also said that he couldnt believe the way sd was talking about bs and i he asked if we were supposed to be family?so i know that sd was sitting there cutting me and bs up badly even the cop said that.So i told my dh do you think he talked to her NO!!My bs got shit though.

stepmom2one's picture

to get $20 back from BM that she STOLE from him for gas money. That money was for him not her, and she knew it.

Then as a comnpromise with your H, you give him the other $20??