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I met 'the princess' last evening

SASX's picture

I have been reading for a few months now, the blogs upon this site where SM's describe their SD's as "Princesses" (likely of Entitlement). I had counted my lucky stars that my FSD didn't act like that.
Last night, the princess reared her very ugly head.

SO has settled into his job, paychecks are starting to come in and since he had a few dollars extra (Due to BM having to pay him back) he decided a family fun night was in order. I presumed I was staying home!! At 7 pm last evening I was sitting in my recliner, DVR remote in hand dialing up some NCIS that I recorded (Mark Harmon, yum!) When SO and the kids walk through the front door wondering why I am not ready to go??

I explained to SO from the way he had described the evening, I presumed he wanted some time alone with his kids and I was totally OK with that, go have fun with them! I'd had a long day and was looking forward to vegging in front of the TV. After several reassurances, they left.

A little over two hours later, they were back. SO had taken them to a local mini golf course, played a round, then dropped cash into the arcade games for awhile. Some of the games at this place are where you win tickets. At the end of your evening you cash the tickets in for 'prizes'. The kids cashed theirs in for small prizes and candy. SO cashed his in for a mid sized teddy bear. White, it wears a pink tshirt that reads 'I love you beary much!"

Whole reason they stopped by was for SO to give me the bear he had won. Apparently FSD thought they were just saying good night. The look on her face was not pretty when SO handed me the bear and a few seconds later my cabinet door slammed, then the fridge door slammed (rattling every bottle in the door), then the freezer was yanked open ice jammed in a cup and slammed back shut.

Princess was in a snit because dad 'always' gave her the prizes he won and that should have been 'her' teddy bear. She saw it and pointed it out to daddykins, he chose it, so it should have been hers.

This is what came out after I made her go back open the cabinet five times and close it correctly, followed by the fridge and freezer doors. My house, my rules when I issued the order SO never batted an eyelash despite princess looking at him to rescue her. He just looked at her waiting for her to comeplete her tasks.

Her attitude sucked for the whole half an hour they were there. He took them home, talked to her and that is when he found out her attitude stemmed from the bear. I will give him some brownie points, she was told if she wants a bear that says I love you, to get a boyfriend. Fathers do not give gifts like that to their 16 year old daughters.

I thought the issue was resolved. On my way to work this morning, I got a phone call from Princess that she left her sunglasses at my house and I need to bring them to her this morning. No can do, already left and my work is in the opposit direction of your dads apartment. Sorry.

She hung up on me. SO has already received a text message on it. I am so not dealing with princess behavior, the 'King' needs to do something to adjust the behavior.


SASX's picture

I had to update you ladies!!

I talked to SO, he called FSD16 and reamed her for hanging up on me. FSD was insistant to daddy that she did not hang up, her cell phone lost connection.

I told SO that I might just believe that, had it not been his HOME phone (not her cell) number that called me and had I not heard the "slam" of the phone going down.

SO started cussing. He has determined he will call her out this evening, with my cell in hand to prove what number called. "Princess" is about to be confined (grounded) to a tall tower (apartment) by the 'evil' king for lying!

I am considering writing a new fairy tale.

"Princess Petulant"

Shannon61's picture

I commend your SO for setting FSD straight. If half the men had enough balls to do this, we wouldn't be on this site. Nor would it exist. Your SO is teaching her respect, boundaries, accountability and is showing her he's not going to take her BS nor does he expect you to. He's a keeper.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

"When they get away with this crap as teens, they become SKILLED and empowered as grown women. The drama never ends. The games never end. The hate never ends. The tantrums never end. The demands never end"

Ahhhh...StepAside, I love you!!!! This statement is sooooo true! If they are allowed, it doesn't take them long to figure out how to wrap their daddy around their little finger and keep them there forever.

SASX, I am soooo impressed with your man for not only standing up to the evil princess, but also backing you! He's a keeper!!!!!!