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Life has been hectic so I am not able to jump online as often as I wish to.

BM is back to 'normal'. She is on medication, back to work, back to being a rational human being. She and SO sat down with their attorneys, no judge necessary and hammered out a new agreement.

SO has full legal custody of both children, so in the event BM enters another manic period the children can be removed from her without having to go to court. On paper she has visitation "At the CP's discretion" again, to protect the kids in the event she goes manic again. The visitation is week on- week off for as long as she remains healthy and stable. Neither is paying CS. Both have the kids on their insurance. She buys for her house, he buys for his. School supplies/ Educational needs: she buys for sd he buys for ss.

BM is fine with all of the above as she has come to understand how much stress her illness put on the kids with court etc. She does not want that to happen again and also realizes if she goes manic 1) she won't realize it 2)she is not capable of being responsible for herself, let alone her kids.

This round of the saga over. God I hope there is no next round.