DH burst SD16's bubble last night, LMAO!
Okay, so prom is April 16th and that is all sd16 talks about. SD16's got the dress & shoes (tho sd didn't get no $300+ dress she thought we should buy), got the hair appointment set up for the 16th, and sd finally picked her date. Well sd16 is cheerleader and hangs out with many different cliques at school and her date isn't in any of them. SD's date wants them to ride with his friends in a limo to prom, but none of his friends have dates. So SD16 would be the only girl. SD said no to that. SD16 suggested to her date that 2 of her friends were each renting a limo for prom night and they could ride with either of them. Her date said no to the one because it is all couples and sd & her date are not a couple, just best friends (for now). SD's date also said no to the 2nd one because he doesn't get along with any of the kids riding in that one. So after their hour long phone conversation last night, sd comes out of her bedroom and says to dh..."My date & I are at a stand still for prom. I don't want to ride with him & his friends in a limo and he doesn't want to ride with me & my friends in either of the 2 limos. So we're thinking about getting our own limo for prom." DH's response "If you think I'm gonna pay to rent a limo, you're crazy. Because I'm not and their won't be no limo for just you & your date." SD "yeah, ok whatever...we'll see about that." DH "I'm serious, there is not going to be no limo for just you & your date." SD storms off to her room. I was internally LMAO and thinking, "it's about damn time you step up and tell sd how it's gonna be".
- Shell97's blog
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SD16 acts as if she is an
SD16 acts as if she is an only child and as soon as the attention is on someone else, she has to do something or say something to make the attention back on her.
*Applause* Congtats DH!
*Applause* Congtats DH! Doesn't it feel great when DH's stand up to their little pricesses?!
It is wonderful when dh
It is wonderful when dh does....it is very rare that he does and then he wonders why I get so stressed and upset about things. For once he took the matter into his own hands and dealt with it.
Of course the President's
Of course the President's girls ride to prom in a tax payer funded limo.
Ditto on all accounts.
Ditto on all accounts.
idk, but apparently sd16
idk, but apparently sd16 thinks that we have money coming out of our ass and can pay for anything and everything she wants. but she is in for a rude awakening, she isn't getting a limo unless she rides in one of the ones they were already invited to.
That is true, that could
That is true, that could happen. But I don't think sd is smart enough to figure that out. And even if she did, dh & i talked about it later and he said that if sd comes to him saying that she found some other kids to ride with them, that he still is not paying for a limo. SD doesn't realize how expensive they are to rent and you have to rent them for a certain amount of time. But we shall see what happens.
I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you. It's also like sd16 thinking that she needs a $300+ dress for prom to wear one time and then hang in a closet. I never had a $300+ dress for prom. Hell, my wedding dress for my 1st wedding didn't even cost that much. I proved to sd16 that you can buy a beautiful and unique dress for under a $100 and still look good.
And don't get me started on the cell phone thing. LOL!
I know exactly what ya mean.
I know exactly what ya mean. At her age, I was working after school and on weekends. I bought my 1st car, paid the insurance, and bought my own clothes and anything else I wanted. When prom came around, I bought a bunch of dresses from a neighbor that her daughter hadn't worn in years. Then my date & I drove our selves to the place we wanted to eat at and then to prom. There were no limos. Hell back then none of the rich kids even arrived in limos.
That's the other thing, we live in a small town. Population maybe 1000. And there is no place close to rent a limo. Closest is an hour or more away.
Also, have ya ever heard of going to the mall to "hang out" before prom? I never did. But apparently sd thinks that we will let her go in the one limo with her friends and go "hang out" at the mall.
I have been on DH for months about the fact that sd16 needs to get a part-time job to help pay for everything she wants. Because just like me at her age, dh also had a job. It teaches the responsibility. Right now, if ya threw sd16 out into the real world, she wouldn't last a day.