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Update to my current situation that caused my melt down 2 weeks ago

Shell97's picture

Well about 2 weeks ago I had a melt down. I felt much better after it happened and I think it made DH realize just how much he was relying on me to do everything. Since then, DH has really stepped up and has started to help me. Plus DH & I have been talking alot more and not just about bills, kids, or the house...we have actually been talking about us & things we would like to do or dreams we have. Plus DH & I have also been making alot more time for just the 2 of us. And when we have to go to the store or bank....DH & I go and leave SD15 & BS11 at home. We are hoping that Spring soon gets here so that DH & I can start taking walks together. It has been to cold to lately.

I also realized something else when I had my melt down. I was not only unhappy with DH, I was also unhappy with myself. So I have been doing more things for myself to make me happy. I no longer ask anyone to go with me to the store when everyone is home, I go by myself to have some me time. Once a week I buy myself something little at the store. I am also in the process of changing the way I eat. I now eat healthier food & I am going to buy an exercise video this week and work on getting back into shape. I also have started to wear a little make-up again...even if I don't have to go anywhere. I have realized that I was so depressed that I had let myself go. I have felt so much better these last 2 weeks.

I am really glad that I had my melt down 2 weeks ago. It has made such a difference in DH & I's relationship and in myself. I think I found me again.


Most Evil's picture

So happy for you dear - these are tough times we live in and it is easy to lose sight of our dreams.

I am glad it is getting better for you and I hope it warms up so you can go for those walks w/DH!! Hugs honey
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Storm76's picture

Hi Shell,

Glad things are feeling better for you & I'm there with you on the make up - by not taking care of ourselves it can be a sign to the world that we don't think we're worth taking care of. A bit of lipstick, nice jewellery, the occassional new piece of clothing can make all the difference by saying to ourselves that yes, we are worth it (if you're a Loreal gal!) and the world had better watch out!

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"