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BS has an injury :/

Simpleton21's picture

My son hurt his foot while jumping on the trampoline with other kids.  Unlike BM I didn't determine that it was the trampoline's fault b/c we don't have a net...gasp....Anyways, usually BS will walk off an injury quickly but he seemed to be really hurt this time and couldn't put weight on his foot.  I had him stay home, elevate it, ice it and rest it on Monday.  Well he was still in pain on Tuesday so I got him into the dr and got an xray done.  Thankfully no break but dr advised it could be an occult fracture which doesn't always show up immediately so if pain persisted we should go back in another week and get another xray.  I already knew about these occult fractures because that is what SD has claimed to have every time she is injured.  Thankfully due to her numerous "serious injuries" we had a pair of crutches already for BS to use.  I just find it comical how if this were SD she would be claiming that it was for sure 100% broken (even after multiple imaging technics showing nothing) and my BS after 1 xray and hearing no break is ready to ditch the crutches and "tough it out".  I am making him keep the crutches for at least a week as it is definitely sprained and swollen.  I'm so glad that my son isn't trying to drag this out and go into 15 months of PT for it!  


SteppedOut's picture

ABSOLUTELY! If she is around while your son is still injured this will happen. OMG the horror of someone else getting attention for an injury. God help if your son actually ends up needing a cast. 

Simpleton21's picture

Oh, you guys are right, I didn't think about the competing injury possibility.  She is always competing with my son so she will likely get hurt sooner rather than later.  Softball practice tonight....any bets?!?! LOL

Thankfully I don't think BS will need a cast.  Hopefully his will improve with time instead of get worse like SD's injuries....

Simpleton21's picture

Yep, she does know b/c he is using her old crutches.  I'm sure she will get a worse injury and need them back asap.  Crap, I totally didn't think about that but that would totally be a move she would make!

thinkthrice's picture

the onset of whooping cough--she will start coughing violently and loudly and insist she be seen in the ICU.

Simpleton21's picture

TT you could be correct.  She does have "sports induced asthma" so it could very well lead to whooping cough and pneumonia as it has before.

SteppedOut's picture

Are you even joking. 

Holy hell. I would have SUCH a hard time with this crap. Is it hard to not laugh? I mean. This crap would dump my giggle box. 

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

You do get sport induced asthma. Outside of people with respiratory illnesses already, which exercise makes worse, you mostly see it in swimmers. It's possible your SD gets it from bath water...

Simpleton21's picture

I am totally serious.  She developed the sports induced asthma when they made her run at cheer practice once.  She hates running.  She is now on a daily inhaler for it.  She forgets to use it all the time so I'm sure it is very necessary.  Oh and she has only had these breathing attacks while with BM.  Granted she is with BM more often but I've watched her play and run and jump and ride her bike and stay outside for hours at a time at our home with no issues at all.  Weird!  


tog redux's picture

My SS also supposedly had this.  He told DH, "he gets winded when he runs." Yes, it's because you are OUT OF SHAPE.  He had inhalers that he never used again.  We also had a HEPA filter I just gave to Goodwill for his supposed dog allergies (we have two dogs, BM has one dog, never saw him show any symptoms).  He's 19 now and he's still always full of somatic complaints. 

I have asthma, REAL asthma, and I can tell you - he does not have it. 

thinkthrice's picture

"out of shape"

Yep I've seen photos of Simpleton's SD and she is DEFINITELY out of shape!!!!  The only running her SD ever did was running her mouth.

Simpleton21's picture

Exactly!  Thinkthrice is correct, it is out of shape and selective asthma, I also have friends with REAL asthma that NEED those inhalers and don't forget they are supposed to use them when they NEED them.  

I'm sure SD will continue with all the complaints/injuries/etc forever because of how BM handles it.  At least DH is a little better about not feeding into it.  Although with her last injury we all got scolded for not believing a child and making fun of her!  Insert a massive eye roll.  No one made fun of her....we just called her out when she was caught LYING to people about the severity of the injury!

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Oh no. I hope you son heals soon and that it is not an occult fracture. It is always difficult to see your kids with illness or injury.

And yes, I do think SD will have to match BS's injury. Can't have your son being injured and taking away attention from SD. The competition is so unfair!

Simpleton21's picture

I hope it isn't an occult fracture either.  At least I know though that BS won't exaggerate it and doesn't want to be on the crutches so if he gets worse I will actually believe it.  

Everything about me and my children is a competition to SD so I'm sure when she sees my son getting catered to for an injury she will be envious and will ramp up her attention seeking somehow....great....I'm sure I'll be making an update soon enough. 

Simpleton21's picture

LMAO, that would be the pot calling the kettle black and should be interesting if she does.  BS is pretty witty and he is also onto her attention seeking ways so he would have a response for that I am sure!

thinkthrice's picture

Skids that know they are faking it are MASSIVE PROJECTIONISTS!!!

Simpleton21's picture

You are correct.  I have seen projections in other arenas from her so I wouldn't be surprised.  We have her tonight so we shall see.....

Thumper's picture

Seriously, foot injuries are NO Joke. I know this from personal experience.  Have you thought about taking him to a Podiatrist? I know we all think they are for old people...they really arent.

Sorry to read about your son.

Simpleton21's picture

Goodluck, I am taking his injury seriously because he doesn't fake pain.  I'm just following the dr orders right now.  If it gets worse we will go back in and get more tests done.  That is also why I didn't allow him to try to tough it out without crutches!  Thank you! I only joke about SD because of her history with injuries/attention.

elkclan's picture

Good call. I picked up a not very serious ankle injury when I was a teen, but my mother didn't believe in anyone else's pain. So I did just tough it out and she even made me walk on it more (cos she's like that). I ended up re-injuring it a few times over the years because it never healed quite right and now I have all kinds of problems and pay all kinds of money in PT. But being able to walk...priceless. 

Simpleton21's picture

I'm in no way forcing him to tough it out.  He is actually trying not to use the crutches but I told him he has to use at least 1 for support and keep resting and icing it for the rest of the week.  

Dovina's picture

are always entertaining...but for you I am sure downright exhausting.

Hope your sons injury clears up fast...and SD's as well, because I am sure she will be injured very soon and need those crutches back!

I agree she sounds like an annoying little brat.

Simpleton21's picture

LOL, thank you Dovina!  I guess I just have to look at the humor aspect of this situation now.  At first I was drawn into the turmoil and manipulation that SD and BM create.  Now I try to disengage as much as possible and enjoy the comical parts!

Simpleton21's picture

Well surprisingly we made it through last night with no competing injury/illness.  I think she has softball practice tonight so there is another opportunity and of course in the middle of the day on Saturday (our weekend).  I am sure DH will want me to come to that but I have no desire to do so and I won't go....unless it consists of dropping her off at practice and going shopping or something until she is done! :)