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college expenses ... and more

sixteensmom's picture

DH hasn't heard from baby mommas boy age 21 since January. Last mo he rec'd a communication from assidiots alimony atty telling dh that skid needs some money for college tuition. we refuse to respond. First of all, we're not spending money on an atty to respond to something so absurd. Second the court order is clear as glass because bm wrote it in - if any kid disparages, disrespects, ignores or refuses to acknowledge his parent, said child gets no college help. WE don't even know where he lives or if he's even in school. next court date to discuss alimony with the idiotasshat is in october.


TASHA1983's picture

Holy crap you can do that --- legally? I would LOVE to have that in writing! In our state dh has to still pay CS for skid if he goes to college (of course their are stips to that), I am pretty sure that he doesn't legally have to contribute to college costs if he doesn't choose to, either way that is something good to have on your side! I would love to say he gets NADA if he does all of the things you listed to my DH. }:)