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BioMom flipping out because we are having baby...

sloopysgrl's picture

Well where do I start. I a few months ago I got a surprise that I was pregnant. I was not supposed to be able to have any more kids. I am new to the blended family scene, it has always been just me and my daughter. Well I met this wonderful man and the rest is history, so I thought. It started with my daughter and his oldest clashing because they were so close in age and have the same likes in life. I don’t want to sound ugly but his kids are a bit on the rotten side. After we moved in together his oldest went in my daughters room and stole her diary and took it home where she and her mother read it and came back saying my daughter had issues. My daughter uses this writing to release her emotions because after her dad died suddenly she closed off and this was the only way I could get her to release them. Now that I have given you the short and sweet up to date, We are pregnant. We did not come out and tell the kids because of complications and we wanted to make sure I was going to be able to carry the baby before we told the kids. Well last Friday his youngest daughter was over and decided she wanted to rummage through my side table and found some ultrasound pics that she took home to her mom. BioMom called and started to have a fit that I would have expected form the kids. She ranted and raved that he is neglecting his kids and that she was going to take him back to court to get more money because she will be dammed if he is going to support any other kid that did not belong to her. How could he have a child with a woman they hate and on and on and on (not to mention she had a kid by a man they hate and little do they know he is their uncle too). SHE got the kids all upset by telling them that we were going to get rid of their things and that the baby was going to take their place and on and on and on. Time to digress just a bit and give a little background on BioMom. They were high school sweet hearts. She ended up cheating on him and got pregnant with what he calls his oldest by another man. He has raised this girl from the time she was born and she is 12 years old now. They then had two more (supposedly) after her. About 3 months after the last was born she left him for his sister’s husband. That makes me question the youngest but does no good because I know he would still be her dad and that is why I love him. Now she is threatening to tell her that he is not her dad and this is killing him. This kids are so upset that they won’t talk to him won’t come over to the house and she is filling the kids heads with some much BS that their little worlds are crashing down around them. She is so mad and upset that apparently he is doing things for me that he would never do for her and she is just so RED about it that she is flipping her lid and acting like a child. He is so upset and it is killing me that she is trying to turn his kids against him. I am at a loss, I just don’t know what to do...


sonja's picture

WHoa! thought our BM had issues with me when I we got pregnant! Nothing compared to yours!

My SD is only 4, so she was totally excited (3 at the time), but BM was a mess! Bawled her eyes out on the phone when FDH told her!

She wanted SD to be an only child, and was all concerned that SD was going to get less love whatever. PLEASE! I think she was just jealous that FDH and I were something and doing good together while her good for nothing BF that she left my FDH for is a piece!

Hang in there! Looks like you need some door locks and some quiet time! Dont let any BM ruin this for you!

Now anytime that FDH cant do this or that, BM says well SD is your kid too, you have to think about her not just BS.. UGH!

Willow2010's picture

WOW!! What a little turd your SD is!! First off..if you have a CO then your Dh needs to go get the kids for his time.

When he gets them he needs to set things straight…tell them they are not being replaced and they still need to come over because he loves them so much. Then tell the one that keeps stealing stuff that she is terribly wrong for doing that. Also tell them that BM has ALL of the facts wrong and leave it at that. Then lock up ALL the rooms you have sensitive things in. (that will piss her off…lol)

Then cut off communication with BM, unless it is about drop off and pick ups and such. I find that with BM’s like this…the less communication the better. GOOD LUCK

astepmom's picture

That is pretty much exactly what the BM did to us! She said, "This means your dad doesn't love you...maybe he'll stop making you visit him now...he's definitely going to take your rooms won't ever get to do anything again...I would never have another two darlings are ALL I'LL EVER NEED."

But when my DD was about 6 months old, surprise...BM announced she was pregnant now! Next shocker...she took one of the kid's room away, and crammed both skids in together, and they never get to go do anything now!

I don't think there is much you can do. When someone acts that stupid, they usually come out looking like an idiot pretty quickly.

Congratulations to you on the pregnancy! I hope your daughter is excited.

Rags's picture

Time to blister some bare skid ass for theft. Stealing by a kid should not be tolerated in any circumstance.

Stealing your DD's diary..... cherry red belt blistered naked kid butt cheeks.....!!!!

Stealing your ultrasound pictures ....... bare kid ass, bend over the bed and lit up with a dozen or good forehand tennis swings with a belt or paddle.

And .... 100% inspection of kid bags and clothing before departing your home .... FOR EVER!!!!

As for BM.... she is pathetic. Nail her ass in court for instigating the theft by her children. Any time the SpermClan attempted any manipulation in my home we kicked their asses in court or made their lives a living hell by smacking the shit out of them with the CO/Supplemental County Rules/etc.....

I have no tolerance for this shit and theft and lying by a kid in my home, whether my biospawn or a Skid, would result in one uncomfortable kid ass for sure.

If you are in the US light that Skid ass up. Corporal punishment is legal in all 50 states in the US and I for one believe it needs to be applied forcefully (though non abusivley) and often in the case of lying or stealing and select other infractions (depending on curcumstance).


IMHO of course.