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Mom-N-Law is so funny....

sloopysgrl's picture

So I finally got to see the SK this weekend. This is the first time since BM found out that we are having a baby... They still cannot spend the night but I was able to go to the movies and they were able to go to Mom-n-laws for our usual Sunday breakfast. Well we finished breakfast and got kitchen cleaned up and I asked what was on their Christmas lists this year so the youngest came in and was going over the things she wanted. Lol so when she was finished Mom-n-law asked her how she felt about having a new baby sister, and she just shrugged her shoulders... Then she asked her how her mom felt about us having a baby... LMAO that kids eyes go so big and the words that fell out of that kids mouth I could have died laughing... This woman has filled these kids heads with the fact that I am not their mom this is not going to be their sister, she even said that her mom told her to double what she wanted for Christmas since she would not be getting as much next year because we will have the new baby... Mom-n-law just as strait faced as ever looked at her and said "Your mom is full of shit and this is your sister and that your dad has never treated you any different. When you mom had another baby didn’t you have to give up your room for that baby?" You could just see the wheels turning in her head. but I kept my hands clean so she can’t go home and say I did anything... Thanks Mom...


paul_in_utah's picture

Nice! For the first 10+ years of my marriage to DW, my MIL was actively campaigning to get DW and her ex-husband (SD17's "perfect" bio-daddy) back together, so I do not have much experience with supportive in-laws.

Elizabeth's picture

Good for her! My MIL also has my back, even against DH, and it's so refreshing. Problem is, DH just ignores what she says and does what he wants anyway, so the only one it really makes any difference to is me. I will love that woman for always!

the_stepmonster's picture

I am so jealous of your amazing MIL! Mine won't even speak to me and even gives the skids gifts for BM right in front of me. This is the only mother I have ever met that doesn't like me so I have decided it must be her.

sloopysgrl's picture

I guess it has a lot to do with the BM (x-daughter-n-law) she destroyed her son and her daughter when she ran off with her son-n-law. She is the one that actually introduced me to her son and it was love ever since... Who says mommas don’t know what they are doing...