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it finally served dh with papers today

smnikki's picture

my dh was just delivered the papers and deposition that bm is taking him to court for full custody, as well as the right of refusal if dh will be away from ss longer than 2 hours. She states that ss says im a monster and im always yelling at dh and ss, i drink alot, and that im mean to him and he is afraid of me. There are many things in there that are lies of stories that she was not present for but got the wrong story from my mother in law. She says that dh calls her names in front of ss etc............ugh, here we go! oh yay!!

any of you have encouraging words?

We have 50/50 custody right now. Other than her words there is no proof of what she is saying. SS is CLEARLY not afraid of me and loves me very much! is there a chance that she is going to get custody? We have police reports from her harassing us and taking him on our nights. please, any advice would be much appreciated, im so mad and pissed that this crazy bitch is doing this, and shes not doing it because of whats best for ss but because she truly is a pathetic person who has nothing better to do than harass us!


Stick's picture

Honey, I don't know if you and your DH can afford this or not, but please, get yourself a BULLDOG attorney and nail that woman's ass to the wall.

Get all of your ducks in a row. And if you have to, get a counselor for SS so that you can have a neutral 3rd party on your side.

Put on your gloves and FIGHT. Don't let her start sh*t just because you two are now married and SS loves you. For all you know, he may now be expressing desire to come and live with you and she's suddenly afraid.

Be strong!!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Shaman29's picture

I agree with Stick, get a bulldog attorney.

We also insisted on a custody evaluator because all bio-parents had to have a psych evaluation and the kids involved are interviewed by the counselor.

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

Gmama's picture

some kind of real proof of what your SS is saying I wouldn't worry about it, these women are in the court rooms everyday whinning about the Step moms, dads, what ever THEY are not happy with, My friend has a son, his BIO-DAD bit him in the cheek on one of his visits,, it took 2 years and thousands of dollars to finally get no visitation for him,,,
the courts hear so much wolf crying, but the lawywers will take on anything as long as people can pay them.

Pantera's picture

Courts don't go off of hearsay, so I wouldn't worry about it. If your husband gets himself a good lawyer, it will end quicker.

Sia's picture

fight her tooth and nail!!!!!! Just prove that she's vindictive and you've got it all with the police reports!!!!! Also, print out all the emails off of FB and use those against her too! GOOD LUCK and lots of HUGS!!!

Crizzle's picture

to all of the above. ALL of it sounds about right. She wants that CS. That's how are BM is. I was all about the money and do like Sia said and bring all the hard evidence you can. Anything that will incriminate her or dispell her credibility.

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others." ~Moliere

smnikki's picture

a paper trail of here getting day care covered by the state and keeping dh's money. Two police reports one for calling repeatedly, and one for taking him on our day off the tball field and leaving with him. we have the email that she brings up that i wrote to her, nut in the email it says that my sil's think mil's relationship with ss is sick. (Bm says in her report that we are keeping ss from mil and mil has always been there for her and her son, but actually my dh's cousin told me that bm was scared to death when dh and her split because she though mil was going to tak custody away from her) I have the emails from her friends that were harassing me on face book. we have had ss recently tell us that bm and her bf are fighting very bad and that bm was yelling and broke bf's things all in front of ss...

the thing is though, i refuse to spend all our money and charge up cards to pay to fight this crazy woman! We are going to go in with all the facts and what not, and whatever happens happens. I have to believe that some how since dh and i have done nothing wrong and the court will insist on an evaluation, they will see whats really going on! Bm is going crazy because my dh moved on, she has no life and is coming after us for more money....if they give ss to her hopefully when ss is older he will understand what really went down. ALSO MIL and the family (if we find out anyone knew about this) will NEVER be a part of our life ever again, and dh is on the same page!

momgoingnuts's picture

get ppl to write statements that see you around the kids have em write em then get em noterized (sp?) and how long has dh had 50/50 if its been years its gotta be obvious that she never had a prob with you before so y would she now other than power struggle and child support

Rags's picture

BioDad originally filed for full custody but dropped the custody element of his claim the day before our court date. He/they were trying to intimidate my wife in to giving up SS and keep her legal fees as high as possible.

Have everyone in the phone book lined up as witness for you or against BM. The Judge may "do what I (they) always do" as our Moron in the Black Robe did. After a day of tit-for-tat on the witness stand the judge asked "if everybody felt better now" then threw out the "Now I am going to do what I always do comment" before ruling my wife as sole legal and physical custody, slightly raising CS, and awarding BioDad standard long distance visitation.

Though aggravating I think the Police Officers, Teachers, Postal Workers, Foster Parents, etc... that we had telling their experiences with BioDad helped show that the crap he was presenting was just that ...... CRAP.

My guess is that BM is posturing and attempting to intimidate you with her BullShit claims. Hit back harder and let the judge "do what (they) always do" which is likely in my experience.

This will likely be just another expensive boondoggle before it is through.

Good luck and best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)