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Bm only thinks of herself - as usual UPDATE!!

smurfy1smile's picture

Its BF's weekend and last weekend BM asked BF if he wanted to have his son from Thursday until Monday because she had plans. Keep in mind BF has asked for his weekends to start on Thursday since it is court ordered that he has parenting time every Thursday and BM flat out said your time starts on Friday. Anyway, regarding this weekend BF emailed BM and said I can pick him up Friday and bring him back Sunday. BM did not reply but did send an email yesterday stating she took FSS1 to the doctor and he has a double ear infection and she will send his meds along. Gee that's so nice of her.

So BF goes to pick up his son and he calls me cause BM is late. BM is usually a few minutes late so I tell BF that's normal. I call BF back about 10 minutes later and he says no BM yet and then a man walks up to BF's car, while I am still on the phone with him, and says are you BF? I have FSS1. WHAT!!! This man tells BF he is the parent of one of BM's students and they are watching FSS1 for a while and he will be picking him up on Sunday. BF was so shocked and stunned he did not even get a name. BM always drops FSS1 off except twice when her boyfriend did it and she told BF about it in advance. BF asked how long this guy was supposed to have FSS and the guy says I don't know, I am just the messenger.

What is going on here? FSS1 is not feeling well but BM can still dump him on someone and go about her life. WTF! I have serious doubts about BF returning FSS1 to this stranger. BM is on spring break starting today and we have no idea when she is coming back from wherever she went. BM originally wanted FSS1 dropped off at daycare on Monday morning. Why should he go to daycare when she is not working? BM pays a good amount for daycare but when she is not working for school breaks and stuff the cost if half, but the provider is a friend of hers so we have doubts that she charges her for vacation time.

Interestingly enough - the address for FSS1 is not the address where they live, its the marital home she is supposed to have sold by now and no one is living in.

UPDATE - BF emailed BM last night and asked who this person was and why she did not inform him of the change and asked it FSS is going to daycare this week since they are on spring break. She emailed back this morning and said I'm sorry, I did not think it would be a big deal. Funny, the 2 times BM's BF has picked up FSS she has informed BF in advance. BM says FSS is going to daycare so she can get some stuff done around the house. This is the same woman who is crying poor and saying raising him is expensive but will spend $160 for a week of daycare so she can do stuff around the house. Anybody else wish they had that luxury??


Anna Campbell's picture

Typical bloody "she'll be right jack" attitude of the classic BB (Bio- Bitch). Imagine if SS father did that! She'd be Moo-ing from the paddocks for his jewels! Inconsiderate cow!

Most Evil's picture

I can't believe any mom would give their 1 year old to some anonymous man to deliver to the dad?! I think your DH should raise cain until she agrees to bring him herself or warn him in advance that someone else has him and at least explain who that person is! I think she is hiding something re. why this man had SS!

How does anyone know this man is not some pervert who abuses children? that is the heart of what I am saying!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin