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She gets the last word

sosmomof6's picture

Not much new here....DH called the school again. The teacher said Yes, she spoke with BM and Yes, BM was VERY VEHEMENT that I not attend. The teacher said she didn't understand why, and she thought that it would be good for me to come...but because of BM raising such a stink about it, that wouldn't be good for SS. She never said that I couldn't go, just that having "Mom" cause a scene would not help SS. Me and H, understanding that, set up the separate meeting.

Can't change BM's mentality, but I can express my feelings here. What is her beef with me? It's hard to think that it's because my H didn't leave me for her, because she goes on about how much she loves her 2ndH. Unless she's really just pissed off that she didn't end my marriage. Well, I can't help that she and her 1stH had problems, and I'm not going to apologize for staying with my DH. If that somehow means that I'm contributing to BM's actions, then I guess I have a lot to look forward to for the next umpteen years!

I'm just appalled that she can't even put whatever it is aside for an hour or two, even for SS's sake. I wouldn't have said a peep unless someone had asked me a direct question, even if she had tried to engage or acted out. Now that's not an option. She can't open her eyes and face reality, so she gets to put her foot down. You'd think it would have been easier just to have them both there at the same time and be an actual "team" for SS(as they like to refer to everyone), but No....she had to be stubborn.

I imagine that when we talk to the school, we will see if this is how things will be set from now on.

I wonder if BM is happy at this outcome. I'm sure she'll be giving me and my H more s**t about why he couldn't just come without me.....


Anonymous's picture

This lady has issues and obviously is not concerned about the welfare of her own child. My stepchildren's BM is the same way. I don't think we will ever understand 'their' mentalities. They are creating their own unhappiness and will continue to live in it so long as they choose to do so. Just don't let her drag you down. My DH and I set up seperate conferences for our kids as well... we simply won't go there with our exs therefore we take care of things on our end, and they can choose to do what they want on their ends.... not our concern. I would suggest that your husband end any conversation immediately if she starts giving him crap about not attending the meeting without you... why would he attend the meeting without you? I expect that my ex will be bringing his wife to his conferences just as I bring my DH to mine. I have never run into an issue with schools having a problem with this. It would be great if everyone could just get along and put the kids and their best interests first.... unfortunately it doesn't always happen that way. Keep things seperate.... Don't let her scare you away or she will get what she wants.

sadgirl's picture

In my case, BM got what she wanted at my expense. Separate conferences wasn't even scaping the surface - throwing fits and/or stomping off from her child's football games, birthday parties, etc. if I was anywhere around. Telling him I was living her life even though - she left him for another man. I tried to deal with it and always tried to be cordial regardless, but the hardest part was my DH couldn't. He would see the anguish in his child's eyes and it killed him and he began doing little things to please her and/or hurt me - I really think so that I would choose to end our marriage. Now, we are separated and both in pain but she is satisfied and giving him extra visits, being nice to him again...all that...and I sit here hurting and missing him but knowing that if I really love him, which I do, I have to let him go. I didn't do very well after all in trying to handle it with grace. I never did anything I regret with regard to her, but I know that I cried a lot and my husband felt he was making me miserable and felt torn between basically - 2 women. My best advice, sitting where I sit now - is TRY to handle it and try to put yourself in your DH shoes and not make him the "bad guy" because he has a nutty ex he HAS TO DEAL WITH FOR MANY MANY YEARS.

wickedstepmonster's picture

That is sad, really. I imagine she thinks with you gone, she will waltz back in and they will be very happy. WELL isn't she in for a surpirse? Only two things can happen here...
1. He gets back with her for a while, and CONSTANTLY thinks about you and how wonderful you are (who would want to be with a man who is constantly thinking about someone else?) OR
2. His next gf is a REAL witch, and boy, is she gonna think maybe you weren't so bad...(he will still miss you)

Either way, you come out looking great, and always being the one he will want. So chin up, maybe some time away will make both of them think...

Your OK in my book, anyhow.

Maybe some hot millionaire will swoon you could happen now...

Riley's picture

You know we always think about leaving when it gets too unbearable, but rarely do we. I didn't. Just hung in there and lived in a state of constant turmoil. ARGH!

You are brave and strong for going it alone for now. You really are! Give it time and cry it out because tears don't mean you're weak, just hurting.

You know the signs now. You learned from this past relationship. My guess is you won't find yourself in the same situation again.

You're stronger than most of us and I give you a huge salute.

Anonymous's picture

I am both a BM and SM, and over the years I have learned one thing: trying to insert myself in the family dynamic that my husband has with SM with his kids is asking for trouble on many fronts. And likewise with my ex and his second wife (my son's stepmom). To me, it is an issue of respect for the family dynamic that existed before you and will exist as long as the children are alive. We may not agree with the reason why she chooses to act the way she does, but above all, those are THEIR children and they are the ones to decide who and what affects them, regardless of what I think of it. In fact, my husband's ex probably wouldn't care if I attended conference because she acknowledges I have been good to her kids and she respects me (especially when it comes to education), but I respect her enough not to make her feel uncomfortable, insecure, or take on business that isn't really mine. Truly, it isn't really my business when it comes right down to it. It's hard enough for kids to deal with 2 parents trying to make decisions for them who don't always see eye-to-eye and I do not want to add to the difficulty, even unknowingly. I am not ultimately the one to affect any change for the kids should it be necessary, unless the BM is physically not in the picture for whatever reason. My business is to set a good example for the children and support them in any way in which I am asked to do so. Why would I want to force myself into that relationship? Likewise, as a BM I do not want my son's SM inserting herself into the dynamic I have with my son's father. She has tried to do so with disastrous results, because she does not share my parenting philosophy, or the philosophy that my ex and I have established as precedent. That's just a fact. If she shared it, I may not have such a problem with her. I cannot change the way she feels, but I can change how I react to it. It has nothing to do with the circumstances of my divorce from my ex. Do I expect her to set a good example and care about what happens to my son's schooling by supporting his efforts? Yes. Do I want her attending conferences? No. So honestly, remain concerned and speak with your husband to keep apprised of what's going on with the kids scholastically, at least until the kids are older and have more of a voice of their own. She will never be able to put those feelings aside and that is indeed a shame, but understand that the reasons for respecting her need to keep the dynamic between her, the father of their child and the child without any intereference from others, regardless of the reasons why. It will be better for all of you in the long run, especially the children. I speak from experience on both ends of the spectrum.

You are to be commended for your concern, and it is a shame she cannot see that and is considering all of the wrong reasons in making her stand on how you should be involved. Your SKs will see it eventually, and when they are older and have more of a voice of their own, she will not be able to keep you away when they are asking for you to be there. And they will ask! Yes, they will! Mine are just now starting to do that since they are early teens. And she will look bad if she tries to make disparaging remarks or speak ill of you to teachers or other school personnel. Trust me...hang tight and it will all come around in the end.

sosmomof6's picture

In this situation I cannot respect the dynamic that existed before me...because that's never been the case. SS is the result of an extramarital affair between my H and BM. We didn't even know paternity until SS was more than 2 years old, and my H got the custody order in Sep. '05...before that BM would do everything she could to limit his involvement. That's how she is. Now that my H has stood on his rights as a father, this is one of the areas she can still try to cause trouble and fight on, so she is.

Anyway, I had no intentions of attending the meeting to step over BM and try to make any decisions. If I had gone, I simply would have sat back and answered if his IEP team had wanted to ask me anything. The teacher's suggestion was for me to come because I also have experience with SS and his habits, etc.

My problem is that my H just attending the meeting with BM is that it directly conflicts with our marital R (reconciliation). Technically he's advised not to have any contact with her.....I'm not that extreme, and it wouldn't be appropriate in regards to the custody. But we have agreed that it will be limited to contact in which I am involved, even if I don't say anything. He will not go somewhere with her or talk to her unless I am there. That's why we don't condone keeping the dynamic between her and my H and SS, because it undermines the marriage dynamic that has always been and will continue to be with my H and I. I wish nothing but the best for SS, but I don't want us to be forced to sacrifice our marriage for him just because that's what the BM wants us to do. H and I choose much as we can

sosmomof6's picture

Wow...I do think that's a sad situation Sad It just really burns my toast that they try to make the guys choose, and don't care if even their own child is distressed by their acting out. Being the bigger people helps the kid and pleases the hell out of the manipulative BM, but then it sure feels crappy trying to do the "right" thing! I am so sorry you have to deal with it too Sad I wish sometimes that they would just have a *magical* lobotomy Wink

I don't think of my H as the bad guy (except with regards to the affair). I know she just doesn't want to see me there. What gets me the most is how she's not really an "ex"....I don't know....does the term "ex" still apply when DH and I never split up? I guess in terms of a "relationship" that ended, it fits that. What boggles my mind is the fact that she's in such denial about the fact that DH and I have always been married, and yet she still wants to treat me like the Invisible Woman! :?