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Who else has gotten this?

sosmomof6's picture

Well, I'm probably going to spread out my "story" thus far over several different blogs. Today's issue is how I have been "banned" from having contact with BM. We had been close friends since 13 yrs. old, and even for about 2 or 3 years after I found out about the affair we would still communicate (though not well, for obvious reasons). Then one day it was just "You are not his parent, you don't have anything to do with this, all this should only be between your husband and I". It was like the past 15 years hadn't even happened in her eyes. She said if I contacted her again under any means, then she would get harassment charges pressed on me. I've talked to people about it, and they say they'd be surprised if she could, because I haven't said anything even half as bad as what her and her 2nd husband have dished out to us, and they instigate the negativity. On the same hand, I don't want to bring on any more threats than she already makes or has carried out.

Where to start about this topic....first of all, I'd understand if I were telling her what she should and shouldn't do with their son. True, I am not his bio parent, and I understand leaving decisions about SS between the two of them. But the thing is that I never try to tell her anything like that. I talk to her about comments she makes or the effects this has on OUR family and kids, and all I hear is "you are not his parent, so butt out". According to her, I have no business in ANY of this and anything that doesn't have to do "directly" with HER son (her words) isn't open for discussion, even with my husband.

As I said, she also makes many comments about me or our children...and I'm not supposed to say anything back? Many times she jumps in about the reason that we "complain so much" about support is only because we have "50 million kids" and should "strap one on" (that one came from her 2nd husband). We have 6 kids, only one of who was conceived after paternity on my husband was established, and even the two daughters before him were still conceived on birth control (condoms and pill). And I had a Mirena IUD put in before I got pregnant with our we were completely shocked when we found out. Shocked (and scared, because of the risks with the pregnancy and birth), but still happy and blessed. And I admit there are times I feel sad that we don't have more money to raise our children with, and I feel they deserve more in that respect. But they are all loved and wanted and generally happy, and it really burns my toast for her and her husband to criticize how many kids we have! Especially when she had a child with my husband because she was sleeping with 4 different guys at the time, even another one who was married and had another if that is any more responsible? It's like "Hello Pot, guess what? You are black too"

More than that is the fact that her current husband gets in on everything too. She yells that I can't say anything because I'm not his parent, but then neither is her husband. But she defends him by saying "he's married to me and lives here and helps take care of him, so yes, he IS involved and has a right to say whatever he thinks". Hello? Am I not married to my husband? Do I not live here? Do I not help take care of SS when he is here? And when her husband does start going off on us, it's not even for the purpose of talking about SS, it's a personal attack. Cursing, get the idea. And it alwasy seems to happen around special occasions like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and the kids birthdays...times when you'd think the fighting should cut back or stop. I could even put up with the stuff they say about us...but it really gets to me when they bring our kids into it. I don't understand why BM hates them so much when she knew we already had kids together, what's more what POSSIBLE reason her husband has anything against them, because he doesn't even KNOW them...they're good kids, they do NOT deserve to be talked about or treated as trash.

But anyway, it really frustrates me when she says that her current husband has been "part of C's (SS) life since before he was born", but me and our kids "were not" and are not, and my husband is only "playing Daddy" now. She started dating her 2nd husband about 4 months before his birth...they didn't get married until 2003. And he broke up with her for a time around the birth. Not only was I her friend for years before she had SS, I was there at his birth! I was there for some of the ob-gyn appts. When talking around our kids in the past, she used to call herself "Aunt B" because she'd come over frequently and do what friends do for each other's kids. And I was babysitting her daughter (and SS for a short time after his birth). And now she says her current husband has been part of his life since the beginning and we "haven't"? I don't get it

As I also mentioned in the last blog....she thinks that I shouldn't have a problem with her being alone with or talking to my husband without being part of the conversation. They both lied to me and betrayed me. Do I really deserve to be told by her "husband" (I say this because he never actually says any of these things directly, it is all through texts and email, so it may be her saying these things posing as him?) that I am "paranoid"? I'm just tired of her trying to cut me out of the picture when it's my marriage and family she helped ingratiate herself in. I know my husband's part, that's why we've been working so hard on our marriage therapy. But I don't know how to deal with her...or not deal with her. Any thoughts/advice?


Nymh's picture

I think she feels sorry for herself and is trying to make herself feel better by convincing herself that she's "better" than you. I don't think it has anything to do with rationality or good parenting, I think it's plain old high-school drama. She may even feel guilty that her child is the product of adultery with your husband and that very well may be why she's pushing you away. She may feel ashamed that her only child (or does she have more?) was conceived by cheating with someone and feel intimidated that you two share so many kids together as a product of your love and committment to one another. She may feel overshadowed by your loving and structured environment when it comes to your family, so is lashing out. AND she probably feels REALLY bad that before all this happened, you two had a really good relationship...considering that, her consistent double-standards and insults may be on purpose to try to numb you to the fact that you used to be such good friends in order to change your relationship dynamic, or not make her feel so bad about herself.

My advice, for what it's worth...don't try to appeal to the old friend that she used to be. She's not that person anymore. I know that it hurts that someone who you've been so close to for so long has completely changed her feelings and actions toward you, but you can't help it and you sure can't change it. You can't save people from themselves.

Also, I've been through the idle threats with BM and for the most part it's all just her blowing steam. All throughout their divorce she would send threats of calling the IRS (BF is a small business owner), filing fake police reports, spreading lies to his customers, destroying our property...but she never followed through with any of it. And when she DID try to convince people (lawyers, my employer, online communities that I'm a member of) that I was the one harrassing her, she got laughed at every time. I wouldn't worry about the things that she says regarding that if I were you. Especially if you're keeping good documentation of all communication with her *nudge nudge*...

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Nise's picture

“don't try to appeal to the old friend that she used to be. She's not that person anymore” That is VERY true advice and such a great way to look at it!

Make a GREAT Day!

sosmomof6's picture

To answer your question, no, SS isn't her only child...she also has a 7 year old daughter with 1st husband and a 2 year old son with current husband. And a SS out of her current marriage as well.

I've pretty much come to terms with what happened between us with the "friendship", what I can't stand is her hypocrisy, and even more the way she denies and insults our children. I know I can't change her...but when it comes to our kids my motherly defenses kick in and I don't want to tolerate her or her husband disrespecting these blessings. She keeps saying in her emails to my husband that it "doesn't matter" when SS was born and putting the fact that we're a family in quotes. What I'd like to know is why she keeps talking about me and the kids to my husband but doesn't want us to say anything about our family? I've told her that if she doesn't want me to talk to her, fine, I won't, but then to stop mentioning me and the kids to my husband. The only time I do say anything is when I get fed up with her
comments about us....that's when she says I should butt out because I'm not his parent....ugh....

Nise's picture

I hope I don’t offend you with this question…..PLEASE KNOW that is NOT my intention…but…have you and your husband ever considered letting her current husband adopt him and going your separate ways? It seems like the new husband is so involved and she is doing her best to keep you and your husband out of it all…why did she even establish his paternity in the first place if that is what she wanted to do? If she had never told you and your husband, she could have lived her life and you and your family could have done the same….even as I type this I’m torn b/c I believe that EVERY child has a right to know both of their parents, but given the situation and circumstances…I can’t help but question it….

Make a GREAT Day!

sosmomof6's picture

No, you didn't offend at all...actually that might be my blog for tomorrow~ her and her new husband have mentioned having my hubby sign over his rights so her husband would adopt SS. Me and my husband are skeptical though because it's only come up as a topic during fights, among other reasons. From what we know, her and her husband have separated a few times, at one point she even had him going through DRS, but she dropped the case against him. Supposedly they are living together again, but then he lists himself as "divorced" I don't know what's really going on. Hopefully they are done playing games, because we do worry about SS. She's told us she does have C call her husband Daddy sometimes, and she was mad at my husband for telling their son and our girls that C is his son and their half-brother.

I totally understand you feeling torn...that's what my husband and I tried to tell her originally when I found out~ I kept saying to her that if my husband might be the father then why wouldn't she get him tested, C had a right to know who his father was....she didn't care, she said her and A (her husband) and her stepfather were "all the family he needs". I hate to say this, but when I went with her to DRS when she filed against the father she named originally, it was clear that money was the main factor for her, she didn't intend for the father to be involved personally. She found out she could get more money because of the child, so she went for it.

Anyway, the only reason we would consider signing the rights over is that honestly, we don't want to continue with her being like this for the next two decades and more. My husband and her have both said they hate each other, and we don't see how that is good for SS. But she's not interested in constructive relationship exercises (we've tried) and we can't find local family counselors...besides that she says that is "ridiculous" to take things that far. Our family would miss SS, and he's always been happy around our kids, so I don't know what he'd feel. But if her and her husband are serious about it then maybe it will be better for him? It's hard to say

Nymh's picture

If it really came down to it, I don't think that she'd do it. You and I both know that her main motivation is money. If your DH signs over his rights, she loses her paycheck. Sure it's a good argument tactic but I don't think she'd actually go through with it if it was seriously brought up for consideration. What is your take on this?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*