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20 Days to Pay the GAL Fees. if not Judge may strike motions!!

spittenfire's picture

So the GAL filed a motion to compel payment of GAL fees against BM. Our lawyer said that if she fails to pay the fees in 20 days the judge could strike BM's motion making the motion to modify uncontested!! Then he could sign the order to modify custody according to the motion and parenting plan we already filed and avoid the court date in July!! God could we get that lucky???? Please????


stepmama2one's picture

Let's hope she isn't like my SD's BM. BM had 30 days to object to the change in custody and 30 days to pay a retainer for a lawyer. We thought we were going to get lucky because on the morning of day 29 she hadn't done anything yet. When we went to our attorneys office to file final paperwork the morning of the 29th day, they told us we couldn't file anything else yet because BM had just gotten a lawyer that day and sent paperwork to our lawyer.

Either she thought getting a lawyer wasn't that big of a deal so she thought she could put it off or the more possible reason, she just wanted us to wonder what was going to happen. Hopefully, the BM in your situation just doesn't give a crap and gives up though.

spittenfire's picture

I know that is why I say "God can we be that lucky!! Please!!"


I totally expect BM to probably beg her daaaddddy for the money and being the enabler that he is he will probably give it to her. :sick:

He is the reason she is the way she is......her parents were spineless and let her get away with everything because she was thier special snowflake. When she was a teenager a psychologist they took her to tried to diagnose her as having BPD but her parents pulled her out of therapy and called the therapist a quack.

misSTEP's picture

I wonder if enabling parents contribute to BPD. Because my BIL displays many many traits of this and he was/is also their precious snowflake. However, not being a woman, he still relies on his enabling parents and lives with daddy at age 35 after mommy kicked him out when they got foreclosed on.

Amount of rent he pays? Nothing. Amount he promises? Whatever they say. Amount of utilities/food/gas/etc he pays? Nothing.


HadEnoughx5's picture

For your sake I hope so. In our case the GAL didn't have guts to go against the Swamp. So she had the judge put it in the orders. Who knows if she ever did, she's so cheap.