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Talked to our Lawyer.. and Alienation has started But SS is ok, she did not run with him.

spittenfire's picture

Well talked to our lawyer last night. The GAL is sending an order for both parents to report to a local testing facility for mandatory drug testing. The GAL has stated if BM refuses to get the test on time it will be the same in her eyes as her testing positive. Also waiting for Childrens services to contact us since the school hotlined BM for neglect. We are armed and ready, not only do we have proof of physical/hygeinic (sp?) neglect but medical neglect as well. Our lawyer believes that it is very probable that when DFS investigates they will place SS with us, then that should make the modification smooth sailing. My DH did finally get to talk to SS last night after having to go through ridiculous abusive conversation with BM. She claims SS wasnt in school yesterday because she took him to see a counselor. DH requested the name and address and informed her he never agreed to a counselor and the spew began. She ranted and raved that yes she talked to him and yes he agreed and then turned to "I cant beileive you would leave SS without any clothes or toys" referring to the stuff that her BF shoved into a trash bag when she was in jail. So yeah we do have alot of his stuff. But she just got SS back on Monday, DH had school all day yesterday. And of course noone has attempted to come get his stuff so it is all DH fault, denying him of clothes and his personal possesions. They even went so far as to put SS on the phone and he said "Dad can I have my stuff back" DH stated "SS of course, we will get it all worked out when I see you on thursday, you know I would never keep your stuff from you" BM then took the phone back started ranting and raving and then hung up on DH. So there is no telling what she is filling his little mind with. And I am sure there are going to be all sorts of allegations against my DH once DFS starts investigating...this BM is going to go through the roof......her spew will be epic....geez keeping my fingers crossed the DFS worker is not one of the disillusioned overworked caseworkers that does the bare minimum to skate by on an investigation.....


Rags's picture

You should be very proud that you and DH are doing what is best for this little boy.

Hang in there.

You are in my prayers.
