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Need some HELP

starfish's picture

out of the blue dh received a notice from the state requesting a financial avadavit, 3 yrs tax returns and they need in 15 days b/c FAT FUCKING CUNT has decided she wants more child support!!

a little background, ffc lives rent free, drives a paid for car her dad bought her, no water bill, her parents live 2 doors down and feed her & the skids breakfast, lunch and dinner..... bills i can imagine are: cell phone, electric, car insurance.... she has full time job now and gets child support....

2 yrs ago dh & i both lost our jobs (real estate industry) we have started our own little company and are getting by.... never have we ever missed a child support payment, house payment, car payment, etc. at that time we got insurance on the skids thru the state.....

so, last year we get a notice in the mail that dh is 6 months late on child support.. we get the canceled checks, make a court date and get it taken care of... FFC was trying to freeload off the government and if you get state aid then cs has to be paid thru the state, we were never notified, but the state didn't give a shit we had to drop everything and go to court to prove we hadn't ever missed a payment. judge even told dh, he wished more parents were like him.... so we get it straight and now pay thru the state which i love b/c now ffc doesn't get her check on the 1st.

so, 2 months ago, we get a notice that the insurance on skids thru the state is being canceled... WHY? b/c FFC is trying to get some more welfare of some sort and if that's the case then apparently she has to provide their insurance ~~ even though divorce decree says dh is responsible... well she gets denied and now skids have no insurance and we can't get it re-instated b/c ffc is still trying to get her hand out and they can't have two cases on the same ss #'s ~~ how her shit supercedes our already in place stuff -- i have no idea...

dh & i have not done our taxes yet, in fact i have been working on getting all our receipts and stuff together to see a tax person.. my question to all of my speeps out there is: have any of you been thru this (in flroida) and does anybody know of any loopholes? i don't want that bitch getting another dime from us, the cs isn't so bad, but add the other $60k in debt dh had to take b/c of her selfish ass and it's sick! i don't think she's talented enough to troll, but feel free to pm me if you have some advice too evil for the other trollers to see and use against us steppers as a whole..

i think we need to make sure that dh makes next to nothing on our taxes for 2009....2008 kinda took care of itself on that one and 2007 was decent.... so do they look at the declining income? average it?? we also have a rental home thats killing us, but that will look good on the monthly loss.... i want this to blow up in her face and have cs decline... i know that's a pipe dream...

this is my longest blog ever, i hope you guys have some startegic advise for me.....


starfish's picture

document says they can review and adjust cs every 3 years! adjustment has to be at least 10% but not less than $25

violetforest's picture

Why do you not have 50/50 placement allowing for incomes to be taken into count when figuring out child support. If you own a new business, i am assuming that you really have not made much, you might be surprised to find out you might owe less that you do know now. I live in another state but that is how it works here. If she is not able to afford to provide for the children's needs and you have the ability, why are they could be living with you.

starfish's picture

we don't have 50/50 she has those extra 2-3 days a month just so she can get cs..

steperg, that's what i was thinking.... that's why i need to get busy and get with the tax guy.

and i hope and pray this does blow up in her face and we pay less...

starfish's picture

thanks for everyone's good luck and if you do think or hear of any things we can do to throw a wrench in BM's plan, please let me know... i will be seeing the tax guy early next week and hope he can work some miracles.

starfish's picture

that's exactly what i need.... i just don't know how the court looks at all this stuff, they know about "creative bookkeeping" but how do they analyze it??? i have been in the mortage industry for years and if they treat it like u/w's do, we're golden -- i am just afraid they take the poor bm affadavit full of lies (not creativity) and reward her b/c she has the golden uterus....

but i hope she burns on high!

stepoff's picture

I understand the urge to cook the books, but I wouldn't recommend it. If the court finds out, you could be liable for back c/s payments for years. OUCH!

However, make sure to deduct any and all expenses, taxes, etc. This will bring down your yearly income total. If you get a good tax pro, he/she will know how you can get back the maximum while legitimately reducing your income on paper.

starfish's picture

this is why i am hiring a pro this year, to make sure all deductions can be portrayed as legit in a certain light....

thinking about getting my cpa license, then i can do our books and others for additional income.....

starfish's picture

i'm really thinking about it! my career as i knew it has gone down the tubes and i need to find a new calling..... thanks for your support steperg.

nycSM's picture


starfish's picture

can you do the same to gir and have so's cs reduced?? and are add ons required or so just pays it? not too knock your man, but is it safe to say he's too much of a pu$$y to stand up to gir??

btw, whatever happened with her trolling information she was so proud of gathering?

stepmom2one's picture

There are no loopholes.

The percentages are to just to high in my opinion. They will calculate the average yearly income for your DH, add up the years income, vide by 3, multiply by the correct ( :sick: ) percentage--divide by 12 months....that is the total you will pay ever month.

If you and DH have children together than they may lower the amount to be paid out.

My DHs lawyer told us that if we ever get taken back we likely won't pay anymore, it probably would be less, since we have 3 other children together.