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Trying again

starfish's picture

here's a nugget i have been pondering along with other anti-starfish thinking..... these little names i have for skids, i didn't pull them out of my ass, basically they were all earned.... BUT i would never allow anyone to speak of someone i love like that... of course, i try to keep those little things secret from dh, but i've been busted trash talking skids and mil ~ sil, too i think ~ more than once... and when i'm not busted trash talking, i NEVER say anything positive about skids (not that there is anything positive in my eyes to say) ~ NEVER, and if dh tells me something regarding skids (positive, of course, he has nothing negative to say ~ not even objectively, ie, BUSTED stealing) i show ZERO interest and change the subject, leave the room, make a drink or all three... do those nasty things i got busted stay in his head forever??? and every time we have a fight regarding skids/mil/sil that's all he hears??

i know it would do volumes for me to say something nice once in a while or at least smile when he speaks about them, but it is virtually impossible for me to do such a thing.... it seems i have tried in the past and instead of just being pleased, dh thinks i have made some massive transformation and now i'm all skidcentric. he doesn't understand that it is a baby step process.. and i can't explain it to him or we'll have the "you hate my kids fight" all over again...

this is back to the fake it til you make it program i failed the first go 'round... any advice???


DaizyDuke's picture

I NEVER and I mean NEVER speak about skids unless DH, MIL etc brings them up first.. and they usually don't bring them up unless they are complaining about something they did or didn't do, so then I agree with the complaints (and of course add to them) and so I really only DO speak poorly of skids. But it's really not my fault. Kind of like guilt by association?

We don't see them enough for me to have any clue what they are doing in school, sports etc... other than what DH tells me and unfortunately, DH only brings up the crappy stuff they are doing.. shoplifting, failing, skipping, fighting, etc. maybe there really IS no good skid stuff?? (at least in my house) Well, no, I take that back, because after DH will rant about SS and his antics, he'll always says, "He really is a good kid, he's respectful, and polite etc." Hmmm DH there is more to being a "good kid" than being respectful and polite and I find it highly DISRESPECTFUL that he is shoplifting, fighting etc. but guess that is just me and my negativity...

Jsmom's picture

I try not to discuss SD15, because everything I say is interpreted negatively. I agree with Echo, I alternate between being grateful she is not responding to him and feeling bad for the guy.

starfish's picture

thanks for the feedback. i had a relatively successful "be nice" evening, but it was ss ONLY.