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Day 2 :) please be as good as day one!

StartingToLoose1t's picture

I literally just have to get through the morning, i have class all day and my WONDERFUL mother takes SD after school and keeps her till dinner time. AND she even dose her homework with her. Mama.. i love you Smile

One little things that drives me crazy... What 9 years old still believes in the tooth fairy... and Santa... and the Easter bunny? I figured that stuff out when i was 6. She barges in my room this morning, "Look mom what the tooth fairy got me!" i never bother with it because i think its so stupid, but i'm sure her dad left her something. I wanted to tell her, "it wasn't the tooth fairy it was your father, now grow up!" but i didn't. i said, "how nice, and next time knock before you come in my room, and be ready to go at 9pm."


PeanutandSons's picture

Ss11 and sd10 still believe....sigh. I figured it out at age 6.

StartingToLoose1t's picture

Dose it bother you too? when i was a kid, Christmas was about family and Jesus. im not a religious person and my DH is a Buddhist. But when we opened present on Christmas, thee stereo typical excited child didn't exist while she was opening her gifts. she opened one after another and didn't give two shits. it was like she thought she deserved all of them. NOT!!! you unruly holy terror..... Santa Brought her shoes, because i refused to reward her for being a horrible child.

Willow2010's picture

I guess i really don't see anythign wrong with a 9 year old still doing that. But it has been 10 years since mine were that age.

kathc's picture

I think skids tend to believe these things longer because they're so coddled. So they're still told the tooth fairy will leave them money well beyond the age when parents would have normally sat their kid down and explained it isn't real.

StartingToLoose1t's picture

My SD as NO friends. I've tired to tell her she needs to be nicer to people and they will want to be her friend but she doesn't listen. Her school says she is a bully, she is always calling kids ugly and fat. Besides she likes to wet and poo her self for attention so all the kids don't want anything to do with her. i think its her way of hiding to the other kid that she is so far behind. She has been held back one year, but she still is 2 grade lvl's behind. she should be in 4th grade but she has the education lvl of a 1st grader and the mentality of a 5 year old.

Its even hard for me to get my family (her step cousins) to play with her because she is so mean and selfish.