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Tell me what to do.......

SteelRose's picture

Oh joy, ss20 is still homeless and is now also getting to the point of being too cold and too big to sleep in his vehicle. The thought of him living here sends my gut into convulsions but I am also NOT a bad person and if it were my son out there I'd have put him up here. I just don't know what to do, I want to give in but I scream mentally when I think of my home with him around even in the shed. I just finally replaced all my cups, plates and cutlery (mil gave me an antique set of her own cutlery to replace what ss20 lost 2 years ago of mine) and my house is finally getting pretty and into shape.

I'm being so selfish b/c he hurt not only me but my home and my stuff and has mouthed badly about me to family and community and is simply a psychologically disabled person I cannot stand.

****sigh**** Please tell me what to do.


caregiver1127's picture

Believe me when it gets cold enough he will find a friend to stay with - do not let him back in the house - I work for the police and once you allow someone to stay in your house and give them keys it is damn near impossible to get them out. He is 20 let him grow up and fend for himself!!!

LaLaLaaa's picture

He IS an adult! He made his bed so he should now lie in it...what about his family he's been Bad mouthing you to!? They can take hin in...oh wait, they won't! Cuz they probably know he's a whack job...u know that saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on Me!" Well, seems like he already fooled u once and wrecked your home...Not Your kid-Not your problem!!

noidea1010's picture

I agree with this completely. He's not your child and he sounds like he was horrible to you! He has to deal with the choices he made just like any other adult. If you save him, he's not going to be learning anything. If I were you, I would help out in other ways, but no way would I sacrifice my sanity and my home. What does you DH says about this?

oneoffour's picture

He needs to apply to social services to get the help he needs to get his life on track.
If he chooses the contrary it is not your fault. Right now I would give my SSs 3 months living with us before they need to get out on their own. And I like them!

SteelRose's picture

Unfortunately ss20 has used up all social services available for him. He is listed to be going out to Job Corps with in the month. Luckily. There he will have the opportunity to get his HS diploma that he did not get when he lived with us two years ago for his senior year.

Willow2010's picture

In this day and age...with so many options out there....there is NO reason for him to be sleeping in his car! He is playing you. Your DH is playing you. Give DH to name and address of the nearest shelters and be done with it.

I feel bad for you. Sorry!