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Yesterday pulled off without a hitch!

SteelRose's picture

So yesterday was the sunday I was wondering how it'd all work out. Remember my niece in law was having a birthday party and DH, ss16, bs15 and I were going to go originally, then ss19 wanted to go and then to top it off bs18 was coming over from college for the weekend? I was feeling so much pressure to go with dh and it was mostly internal pressure. Well what finally happened was I spent the day here at home with my two bs and dh took ss16. It turned out ss19 was too sick to go so it was nice for dh and ss16 to have a day with their side of the family. They had lots of fun and sun. My boys and I sat and watched movies, went out for lunch, sat outside, the boys helped me with some yard work and then bs downloaded a newer movie I had been wanting to watch in a long time, we went and grabbed McD's and watched that movie and then DH and ss16 came home with icecream and finished the movie with us. The day was extremely relaxing for me! And I got to really enjoy bs18 since he comes home to visit so far and few btw. It turned out nice and I wish I hadn't stressed about it Smile The best part was that he said his niece loved the big fuzzy pillow I got her so much she immediately ran and put it on her bed and said it matched all her things!


SteelRose's picture

Yes, he actually had a good time, his cousins came over, his mom, aunt, another uncle and so on, about 40 of his family showed up. Of course they all asked where I was and he just told them, that made everyone want to get together again so he invited them here for a BBQ and gun range practice (we have a great gun range a couple miles down the road and a casino) and so a whole group are coming next month for a day! This is a positive in that he has rarely if ever had his brother or sister or cousins come over here when he and BM were still married b/c no one could stand here. DH likes that everyone likes me b/c he likes having family around. I do too since I came from a huge family (8 siblings!). Anyways it all turned out good.