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10 Things I hate about SS .. And other holiday ramblings

step off already's picture

1. He is constantly worried about what he is getting for Xmas
2. He actually said "welll since we all got one, it can't be anything expensive" regarding a gift under the tree
3. He did not get anything for his father (nor has he mentioned a desire to, nor did he give him the chiol gift). - he's with us ft
4. He does a duck face every time he passes a mirror/window/shiny surface
5. He's the first to declare that things are unfair with the other kids (even though things are 98% in his favor)

I could go on and on.

It gets tiring to hear a child reflect values that you had no say in during this time of year.


twoviewpoints's picture

I think it might do that SS of yours a world of good if Dh could find a couple hours this week to haul SS's selfish greedy little butt down to the homeless shelter or food bank and assist the truly needy people in your area. This kid has no clue how very well he actually has it, A quick dose of reality might humble the brat a bit.

step off already's picture

Wondering myself why DH hasn't taught him this.

I try to coach DH on how to instill some of the giving spirit, but not sure how valuable it Is at this point. Dh did a great job playing BFF with SS during the 7 years they were alone together, so there's lots to undo