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Another score for the sm and a giant zero for the useless bm

step off already's picture

SMS take heed; there is hope. Ss14 who has previously professed his hatred towards me and his conclusion that I've ruined his life and that his poor bm "would" visit him more if she only had a good job like she used to

Well, clearly the tide has turned. He had a lonely Mother's Day weekend with her during her eowe visit where she went to the salon for a nice portion of Sunday so she could get pampered - since she's a single mom and all. She also made sure he knew she would not contribute to his schooling. He came home to find that I spent my Mother's Day doing child- centered activities: beach, boardwalk, or dogs, BBQ, fun!

Tonight I was bitching at my bios as usual telling them they neded to be more responsibke, be appreciative, responsible, etc - the standard fall out after a weekend where theve been over indulged. I even mentioned that I spent MY Mother's Day doing fun things with them and. Maybe I shoukd have just treated myself instead of sharing the day with them doing fun kid things.

That's when ss got his great idea. He wanted to send me to get my nails don. He asked what it cost and I told him a range stating that it depended in what was being done and what type if place you went to. He asks me to leave the room, and not listen and he organized a collection from the kids to send me to get my nails done. He asked dh to help

My heart seriously melted.

I'm thinking he is seriously seeing the difference (and gaining appreciation) for a devoted mOther versus a slacker mama wannabe.


MamaFox's picture

D'awwwwww! That's awesome!

Enjoy the ooowee gooey feel goodies!

bearcub25's picture

Awesome! Yea, none of my skids would even think of doing something for me, including SD that I do everything for.