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DH is Butt Hurt because I Excluded SS13 today

step off already's picture

... and he'd NEVER exclude my kids.

Well, DH, that's because my kids treat you very well, have manners, and are fun to be around.

Shoot me if I took some time off to take care of the kids during spring break - yours included. It's not my fault that your son is too cool for us and wants to go spend two nights with his cousins. And you even said, "It's fine with me and it'll get him out of your hair."

DH knew last night that I was taking the kids to the amusement park today. He knew when he let SS stay at his cousins's for the second night in a row.

So why then as I'm on my way out the door to you throw me a guilt text saying that you'd never exclude my kids from anything.


I am livid right now as I am home and we just had some words. I told him I bend over backwards for that kid to include him and make him feel special and I get treated poorly and never get a thank you.

Sorry if I didn't want SS ruining the day for me and my three kids.


step off already's picture

After his text I even offered two times to take him.


Now he's pissing around and saying he's heard enough of how I feel. Oh, and that SS had apologized after he told me that he hated me since the first day he met me - so everything should be fine since the kid apologized, right?


step off already's picture

He absolutely would have sucked the joy right out of it!

My poor DD12 does not care for him very much because of his poor behavior. And he ALWAYS has an atititude when he doesn't get what he wants. DS9 thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and DS10 is pretty indifferent but definitely notices his poor behavior and comments on it.

I'm 6 months pregnant and it was a chore as it is to take my own babies to the park today and I thought to myself several times, "wow, I must really love these damned kids to be waddling around out here in the sun."

step off already's picture

Yes. He's having a moment right now. He's outside working on his car. I predict he'll come back in soon and apologize because he knows I'm right and that his kid is a jerk.

DH's feelings are just hurt right now because I "didn't extend the olive branch" to his jerky kid and actually have opinions on how I would like to be treated.

DH seems to think it's acceptable that SS be pouty and have an attitude - if he has a reason. Apparently, him not getting his video games back since they've been taken away until he gets his act together is a valid reason to be pouty in DH's eyes.

oneoffour's picture

Just tell him that the next time he is aware of your plans which were not kept a secret he may want to organise HIS sons social calendar a little better. You are sorry he missed out as well (fingers crossed behind your back)but DFH was the one who decided he could go to his cousins place. Maybe DH could take him this weekend????
Then you get both of them out of your hair for a day.

step off already's picture

Exactly! One of my texts to him this morning said something along those lines - he knew last night I was going, new for weeks that I was taking time off to do fun things with the kids. So SS gets to pick and choose what things are fun enough for him to grace us with his presence?

um no.

And speaking of organizing calendars. Tonight is one of BM's court ordered phone call nights and she has a Shit Storm when he's not here and threatens to file a motion (whatever that means) or acually goes and files a police report.

I'm tempted not to even mention it to DH so that he can have SS13 call her directly rather than her calling here and not getting SS. DH can handle this.

step off already's picture

Yes. It's like, if the kid has a reason for acting out, then it's ok - NOT!

Correct your kid right at the start and tell them that that shit doesn't fly.

Anon2009's picture

Maybe he needs to do more stuff with just his son, just like you did with your kids.

step off already's picture

That's just it. I encourage him to go do things with just his son often. They even went out - just the two of them, not the family, for SS13's bday last week. (This was in addition to the $150 in gifts he received, the cupcakes I gave him to take to school, the party we had at the bowling alley with 10 of his friends, the Easter basket he got from us (even though he was with BM for EAster and got a ton of stuff from her too)...

I told him that there is a reason that his son thinks the world revolves around him.