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Hey BM, Put Down the Blunt Before You Text my DH

step off already's picture

BM is such an idiot to start with but she's also a MAJOR pot head.

We provided her a letter a week ago with changes to the standard schedule based on upcoming holidays and summer with pick up times and locations, all per the court order.

Even though she already tried to argue with DH about one of the items noted in it last week - which we promptly explained and clarified for her, she decided to send DH SEVERAL text messages yesterday letting him know all of the places where he messed up in the schedule. He ignored her texts.

About an hour later, she texts back: "Sorry, I just looked at the second page. Have a good day and don't work too hard."

She's an idiot and literally has nothing better to do than try to find ways to fight with DH. Problem is she is such a pot head, that she forgets things all the time: her lies, dates, times, etc.

Um, don't you remember reading TWO pages last week when you tried to start a fight initially?


fedup13's picture

Skid's mom is not a pothead, but she is a pathological liar, and she does the same things. She forgets what she says and then screws herself in the long run. Idiots.

step off already's picture

LOL. Yes our BM is also a pathological liar as well.

But for the life of me, I can't figure out if she beleives her lies, is high when she makes them up and forgets them or if she just lies so much, she doesn't know what's up and what's down.

It's comical really.

If you read through all of her statements she wrote for court, she constantly contradicts herself and sounds like a major nut job:

"i'm a lesbian and that's why my ex kept me from my son for 7 years... I'm not a lesbian, I live with my best friend, my ex is lieing about that...I only work one job for 5 hours a week... look, here's my two w-2s from my two jobs, I work two jobs and I'm still low income...." and on and on.

oldone's picture

When my SS (major pothead/alcoholic) was here he signed on to FB on my computer for me to upload some pictures for him. I could have posted ANYTHING and he's so out of it he wouldn't remember if he did it or not. But I didn't. Really wasn't even tempted. He does enough damage on his own. I should have changed his privacy settings but I only did what he asked me to do.

step off already's picture

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not prude or anything and have indulged in various things throughout my years, but that's not the case now as I have responsibilities.

BM on the other hand, she only works 5 hours a week and has to drive to pick up SS two days a month.

It's just these lazy, entitled people that really make me crazy. The fact that she can keep herself supplied with pot but can't seem to afford any child support or gas money makes me crazy.