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Just another morning - nothing too exciting, but SS13 is showing some age-appropriate growth

step off already's picture

This morning SS13 asks me if he is going to his Aunt's today. (Apparently, he's too cool to hang out at home or to do things with me and my bios, which is fine with me and actually shows a bit of growth for him :-)). I ask him if he was invited as he is definitely the type to wear out his welcome and he was just over there yesterday. He says no. That pretty much ends that part of the discussion.

Then he says, "can I invite a friend over?" and I tell him we have a few things to do today. He says, "well, my dad said I could" and I just say, "well, your dad isn't here".

I text DH and relay the discussion. DH says that he told SS13 "we'll see" when he asked if he could have a friend over.

DH also mentioned that he had asked last night if his cousins (age 18 and 16) can come over and he told him we'll see on that too.

Not to be a totally rude bitch, but I'm trying to get rid of kids and find them activities to do OUTSIDE of the house. My baby is due in 10 days and I am having a hard enough time keeping the house clean as is. I do not want more kids here.

Anyway, I'm glad to see the kid finally developing interests in people as opposed to video games. Seems a bit more age appropriate than his wanting to shadow his dad all day.


ltman's picture

He's soooooooo bored. Poor thing. Do you have any baby things that need to be put together? Like a crib or bookshelf. To give him something to do and create a connection for him.