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Sweet ss13 "do you know how to throw a football dad"

step off already's picture

Ss13 will be going out for the freshman football team this summer. He actually asked dh not inky if he knew how to throw a football but whether he could throw it better than he could.

Let me just rewind the tape for you.

2012. We sign ss yo for a Saturday football team. Ss pouts in the field, doesn't participate, bm refuses to bring him during her visitation and he tells dh's mom that he has no idea what is happening on the field.

2013 we attempt to sign ss up for pop warner football because it's ss's "favorite sport". Bm objects after realizing she would have to drive him to games and practices during her eowe. Ss complains that he doesn't want to play because "no one told him it was tackle"

Larger that same year, bm has her neighbor write a letter stating what a great mother bm is - she always plays catch with ss and he has a natural ability to plat. Judve orders bm to support ss in his sports. Bm agrees but ss is unwilling to sign up.

Thus summer ss wants to try out for football.

Ss thinks he is an awesome player because he knows how to throw a football to his mommy and the neighbor that wanted to bang her said he was really good.

The kids he will be playin with have payed for years all through the Pop Warner program. I'm talking serious.

Can't wait to see how this plays out. The kid already thinks he's better than dh since he "knows how t throw a football". Dh had played and had a reputation in hs. Things in our city have escalated over the past 20 years so this will be interesting.

He'll make the team but will he stay on it?

He seems t think he's a star...can't wait.


thinkthrice's picture

I had a laugh about this; It reminded me of Guilty Daddy, who, in his youth was athletic and played school football as well as baseball. On the opposite spectrum is the 6' tall massive sized BM who is as uncoordinated as the day is long. The BM and Guilty Daddy kept telling all 3 that they were "athletic" By athletic, I assume they meant huge for their age.

The BM would and still does sign them up for every sport known to mankind, yet all 3 massive offspring view it as merely a social event whilst stumbling over their own feet, showboating (acting like clowns on the playing field for attention) and generally phoning it in.

I'll never forget Guilty Daddy trying to teach YSS (at the time nearly 7) to catch a ball softly lobbed underhanded about 5 feet away, with visions of YSS as the next Mark McGuire.

Because YSS REFUSED to use his pitchback and learn on his own (had to have daddykins within vision at all times) I watched in awe and in horror as YSS failed to catch the ball EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!! This was about 35+ attempts as well. HELL my 3 yr old biodaughter could catch better than this WAY BACK WHEN!!!

To this day, they both refer to their clumsy, clutzy progeny as "athletic"